New Jerusalem CityPass Service Center

jlrnWhile the company’s English website shows the Jerusalem service center near the central bus station, it has in fact moved. The English website simply is not up to date.

CityPass is the operator of the Jerusalem light rail. Its service center used to be located in proximity to the city’s central bus station but earlier this week, it moved to 97 Jaffa Street, the Klall Building near Shuk Machane Yehuda.

YWN-ISRAEL checked out the new reported location, as indicated on the company’s Hebrew website, and it is indeed in the Klall Building, visible from the outside if one enters from Jaffa Street. The service center is visible when one gets off the train, on the right side at the stop after the shuk, referring to a train traveling in the direction from the central bus station towards the Old City. The stop is called “Davidka”.

The center operates on Sunday-Thursday from 08:00-19:00 and on Fridays and erev Yomim Tovim from 08:00-12:00. The service facility near the central bus station is no longer operating, officials report.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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