Shomron Residents Taking on Consumer Discrimination

shomLegal experts working with the Shomron Residents’ Committee are assisting residents who face a brick wall when it comes to getting service over the Green Line. Residents of yishuvim must live with the reality that after purchasing an appliance or another device, service companies tell them “Oh we are sorry but we do not come over the Green Line.”

The committee feels that companies unwilling to service consumers in yishuvim due to their left-wing ideological leanings will be exposed in the media to permit residents to take their business elsewhere.

Legal experts working with the committee plan to use legal and advertising means to compel companies to provide service. When this is not possible, then the committee will expose the company and encourage residents of Yehuda and Shomron to take their business elsewhere.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Realistically, most Israeli disapprove of the settlers, and see them as being almost as bad as the hareidim (which makes it ironic that it was the pro-settlement party that started the war against the hareidim, that could end up crippling the settlement movement by shifting the balance of power away from the nationalist camp).

  2. #1, where do you get these highly questionable statistics from? Anyone who regularly reads YWN comments knows you have an anti-Israel agenda, but who do you think you are fooling with your opinions of what “most Israeli” (sic) approve or disapprove of?

  3. #1. Do you have any clue what you’re talking about? Have you ever been to Israel and chacked out what constitutes this so-called green line?

    I got news for you, these so-called settlers are protecting all of Israel. Without the “Settlers,” between 80 and 90% of the population of Israel would be in short rocket range, including the multi-million dollar houses in Ranaana. The whole country would be Sderot. Only the useful idiot leftists oppose the settlements along with some ignorant people, such as you.

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