Rav Ariel Shlita: Rav Stav is a Talmid Chacham

arielRamat Gan Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlita is clear, rejecting the harsh criticism leveled against Rabbi David Stav, a leading contender to become the next Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel. Rav Ariel condemns the statements made against Rabbi Stav, who he labels “a talmid chacham”.

Rabbi Ariel is quoted on the Yeshiva website saying “Rabbi Stav is a talmid chacham and one should not speak ill of him.”

Rabbi Ariel was hoping to enter the race to become the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi but a bill that would have permitted him to enter the race despite being over 70-years-old was defeated.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I love Charedim, but their world is crashing around them. They are scared and lash out against anyone who doesnt agree with them. Anything out of there world is considered “uprooting Torah” i dont think that Rambam, Ramban, Rashi, Eben Ezra, Abarbanel, Rif or Rashba would have made it in their community. Especially given the fact that they knew science, economics, medicine, foreign languages and had math skills.

  2. Rabbi Ariel joins Rabbis Aviner and Lichtenstein in expressing support for Rabbi Stav. They are probably the three leading gedolim of the Israeli Dati Leumi world.

  3. No-one has ever even suggested that Rav Stav is not a Talmid Chchom. He is a most learned individual leChulei Almah.

    However the serious difference in opinions which has been hovering around this entire past week is whether this Chochmoh is coupled with Yiras Shomayim? Rav Ariel shlita stealthily & smartly avoided this contentious & complex issue.

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