The Gerrer Rebbe Turns 80

The Gerrer Rebbe will be celebrating his 80th birthday on Monday, erev Rosh Chodesh. The Rebbe was born on the 29th of Iyar (תרצ”ט (1939. While his Chassidim don’t officially mark the birthday with celebration, many will spend extra hours learning Torah in his merit.

During the Rebbe’s 70th birthday, a number of Roshei Yeshiva from Gur asked him how he would like them to commemorate his birthday. Knowing that many Chassidim wished to do something, the Rebbe said that they should learn extra Torah. Since then, Gerrer yeshivas have a session during which the students learn for a minimum of five hours straight without breaks in honor of the Admor.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Bli Ayin Hara. May the Rebbe be healthy and strong in order to continue being a positive influence on Am Yisrael.

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