VIDEO: Lapid Blames Chareidi MKs for ‘Robbing the State Coffer’


Addressing the Knesset plenum during a late night session for the first reading of the state budget on Tuesday, 10 Tammuz 5773, Finance Minister Yair Lapid lashed out at chareidi politicians.

Lapid began with directing his comments at MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Moshe Gafne, “the legendary former chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee.” Lapid explained that due to Gafne’s actions, today he is compelled to deal with a massive national deficit for when Gafne controlled the committee, he ignored fiscal realities and continued funding yeshivos without taking the consequences into account. “You are among the architects of the national deficit” he told Gafne.

Next on the list was former Shas Housing Minister Ariel Atias. He lashed out at Atias for daring to criticize the high cost of housing. “Have you no shame? Have your forgotten the outrageous state of affairs during your tenure? Should I remind you of the resources the Ministry of Housing poured into Beit Shemesh and Charish? How you spent an entire tenure taking care of your own!”

Lapid accused the chareidim of “robbing the state coffers” during their tenure in the coalition.

After Lapid’s address Gafne tried to stall, calling to declare the vote a ‘no-confidence’ vote, which would have delayed it until Monday evening. Gafne’s parliamentary exercise failed and the Knesset voted as planned. The coalition received 58 votes in favor and 44 opposed. The 2013-2014 state budget now heads to committees until it is ready for second and third votes.

Opposition leader Shelly Yacimovich went head to head with Lapid from the podium, with Lapid accusing her of being too scared to accept the post of finance minister, opting to leave it for him.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. If he goes around saying “Die Juden sind unser Unglück!” why do you think people compare him to you know who.

  2. I checked the Israel Government spends more then 50,000,000,000.00 NIS on education.

    The Haredim comprise 37% of school children in Israel, what percentage fo the 50,000,000,000.00 NIS did the Haredim get.(I like to spell out the zeros and cents, since when someone writes Billion, you may thing it’s just another type of number)

    I never got a complete figure, but I hear talking about severel hundred million here and there, up to 18,500,000,000.00 the Haredim are just taking there fair share.

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