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London: Cleaning Lady Arrested For Steals Thousands In Tzedakah Money From Frum Home

arrestA house-cleaner has admitted stealing thousands of pounds of charity money from a rabbi’s home.

Romanian-born Alina Teodorovici, of Malcom Court, Hendon, snatched £6,500 from a cupboard at her employer’s house while she looked after his five children in January.

The 26-year-old, who had been working for the family for several months, told the children she was “popping out to see a friend” but never returned and went on the run from police for three weeks.

She was eventually caught and on Friday pleaded guilty to the theft at Wood Green Crown Court.

The court heard how the rabbi, who has declined to be named, left Teodorovici at his home in Golders Green while he went to pick up his wife and baby daughter, who was suffering with pneumonia, from hospital.

He received a phone call from his 12-year-old daughter to say the cleaner had left the house just half an hour after being left alone.

After taking the money, which was destined for two Jewish charities, she “went incommunicado” – changing her telephone number, deleting her Facebook account and failing to turn up for work at two other homes.

Barnet Police, aided by a Shomrim London North West Community Patrol, managed to find her within three weeks of the theft using a copy of her passport and bank statements she had left with another of her employers.

Speaking to the Times Series this week, the rabbi said the episode had been “very traumatic” for his family.

He said: “I trusted her to look after my children in an emergency. I thought she was a pleasant girl.

“She clearly spotted the money in a cupboard and decided to take it, it was an opportunistic theft. It was a very foolish thing to do as now she has a criminal record. The whole thing has been very traumatic for me and my family.”

(Source: Times-Series)

3 Responses

  1. Moral of the story, do not leave a cleaning lady unattended for one moment. You could be harmed physically and spiritually

  2. There are several crimes here. One is obvious – the cleaning lady. The second is the rabbi – holding 6,500 British pounds (about $10,000) in cash in a cookie jar. What was he expecting? And if you go to the source article, you will see a photo of the untznius cleaning lady, which would certainly cloud my judgment.

    Was the cash all the rabbi’s, or did it include contributions from others?

    And why so much cash in a form that could not be accounted for or traced. If I had more than $100 of other people’s money which they expected me to donate as tzeddukah, I would put it in a special bank account or donate it as it came in to me. Well, call me Professor Hindsight.

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