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Lapid Determined to Operate Public Buses on Shabbos

lapidFinance Minister Yair Lapid remains determined to run public buses in non frum areas on Shabbos.

Lapid reiterated that this was part of his election campaign and now that he is in office, he hopes to work to bring this about, emphasizing not in religious areas. He feels this is not a matter of religion and state but totally a social issue that must be addressed.

“There is no reason in the world that a grandparent who has the means can take a taxi to visit grandchildren, while a grandparent without the funds cannot do so,” insisting limited bus service must be made available in non-religious areas.

Lapid apologized that he did not have this included in the coalition agreement but added “not everything can be done in three months.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. lets try to find something religious that lapid cant trample on



    nope cant think of anything

  2. this rasha is earning double bonus miles for a first class ticket to you know where i just hope that he cashes out very soon as his chutzpa seems to have no limits

  3. This fellow should just leave and take a trip downstairs in the center of the central heating or better yet the kaf hakela

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