Sloatsburg Minyan Area Opens This Week

sloatAs in years past, the Sloatsburg Rest Area will be designated this summer as a convenient Mincha/Maariv location on Thursday evenings for those travelling upstate. The area is located on the Northbound side of the New York State Thruway, between exits 15A and 16. Askonim have been working tirelessly together with State Police and the Thruway Authority to ensure that the area will be available for those seeking tefilla b’tzibbur on their way to the country.

Askanim have met with Captains of the State Police and Thruway Authority to establish the ground rules and prepare the area. Says Rabbi Abe Friedman, a community leader and Chaplain, “We are grateful to the authorities for allowing us to use this public area for prayers. The public is asked to obey all the rules. It’s a tremendous opportunity for our community to make a true Kiddush Hashem.”

Minyanim at the Mincha/Maariv area will begin at 5:00 and will go on until 10:30 PM on Thursdays. Rabbi Friedman will be personally supervising the area during those times. His father, Rabbi Morton Friedman, O”H, began the tradition many years ago and his sons are now proud to be able to continue in his footsteps. The designated area is named “Tfillas Mordche” in his honor. According to Rabbi Friedman, “If everyone cooperates with the simple rules listed below, we will be able to maintain this tradition for a long time to come.”

The public is asked to obey the following rules:

1. All vehicles should be parked on the upper level of the parking lot only. The upper level has been designated as the minyan area as it is more private and will not disturb other travellers. Please note that any vehicles parked on the grass or illegally will be promptly towed away.

2. The Sloatsburg area is to be used for prayer only. The selling of food or merchandise will not be tolerated. Solicitations of tzedaka will not be allowed as well. A Thruway inspector will be present at all times.

3. Never leave young children unattended in a vehicle, even just for a moment. They should be supervised at all times.

4. Restrooms and vending machines filled with kosher food will be available on the upper level of the building.

(YWN Catskills Desk)

5 Responses

  1. I understand the need to “chap Mincha” if you havent prepared properly and need to be in the country at a certain time. since you cant control skiah time., but why Lechatchila is it bakovodik to daven in a parking lot?

  2. For the life of me I can never understand why people can’t daven prior to leaving. Shkia is at 8.30 and even later for the Chasidim. Why can’t they daven during the day? Why make a minag out of this? We are in Golus and the less noise we make the better. Would we feel comfortable when a group of Muslims gather to pray in a public domain? Or a group of Christians forming a prayer group in front of our eyes?

  3. I agree , its wrong on so many different levels. but when i look at the pics (i am not a new yorker) instead of kiddush Hashem, I say , what an awful place to daven. where is the kedusha? its not like they dont have shuls in the state of New York…

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