Senator Rand Paul Praises Orthodox Tradition, in Visit To Lakewood

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who’s viewed as a potential Presidential candidate in 2016, told a Jewish audience on Monday: “You are a virtuous people,” David Ben Hooran, publisher of the Jewish Voice NY, reports. Mr. Paul was the guest of Lakewood, New Jersey resident, Dr. Richard Roberts, who hosted a private luncheon with 30 dignitaries at his home Monday morning.

Dr. Roberts praised Senator Paul as “a man of great integrity, of authenticity. What you see is what you get. That’s what I like so much about him. He is real and says what he believes. When I met him in Tampa at the Republican National Convention, we disagreed on issues but he didn’t tell me what I want to hear. Rather, he said what he truly believed.”

In a lighter moment, Dr. Roberts gave Senator Paul a toy “drone” which drew a hearty roar of laughter from the crowd. Dr. Roberts mused, “Senator, the only rule here is that you can’t use this against Americans on American soil.”

In his remarks Sen. Paul declared, “The only true democracy is one that is based on a people that are virtuous; and that’s what you’ve maintained through your traditions.” He continued by expressing his admiration for the adherence to moral values that is intrinsic to Orthodox Judaism. “In our country things are changing so rapidly but not all for the good. Your traditions are thousands of years old. You keep TV and other negative influences out of your lives. You know right from wrong and you believe in right from wrong.”

He continued by saying that when the founding fathers of this country gave us freedoms they said “it requires virtue and you are a virtuous people.”

Answering questions from the audience, Senator Paul addressed the Iranian nuclear threat, saying all options should be on the table but stopped short of suggesting that the US or Israel engage in a pre-emptive strike. “What we need is the help of Russia and China, and I don’t mean militarily. We need them to step up to the plate and tell Iran that enrich uranium for nuclear weapons is not going to be good for petroleum exports, not going to be good for trade and other commercial and financial ventures.”

Prior to the luncheon at the home of Dr. Roberts, Senator Paul was taken on a tour of the internationally renowned Beis Medrash Gevoha of Lakewood. While observing the bochurim (yeshiva students) pouring over their Talmudic studies, Senator Paul displayed a genuine interest and curiosity about the origins and history of the Talmud and whether certain commentators are respected over others.

(Jacob Kornbluh -YWN)

12 Responses

  1. I agree heartily with the statements of Sen. Paul as reported in the penultimate paragraph above. They are substantially the same as President Obama’s policy on the same matter. What is important for the frum community is to recognize that President Obama is pursuing policies that are in the best interests of the frum community, and the rest of America.

  2. I would interested in knowing about just one such policy of President Obama that is in the best interests of the frum community.

  3. 1. Many frum voters won’t be happy with his support for fiscal responsibility, since that’s means cutting various welfare programs our community benefits from.

    2. Zionist voters won’t be happy with his opposition to giving massive military aid to Israel, though given the current was on the Torah community by the Israeli government, that might not be a problem (and arguably, the aid Israel receives hurts their economy since most of the aid consists of credits to buy good made by American workers rather than for the Israelis to make the good themselves).

  4. 1. You are nothing more than an obamabot apologist. Your uber leftist views are so krum you make a banana look straight.

    “President Obama is pursuing policies that are in the best interests of the frum community..” Really? Like his stance on baby murder, no matter what the age?? Like ObamaDoesntCare, which has already caused our premiums to skyrocket??

    Obama is interested in Obama and shtupping socialism down our throats, nothing more!

  5. No. 2: Please see comment no. 1.

    No. 4: Please learn how to make your meaning clear. Perhaps your muddled comment reflects … never mind.

    And to answer your inartfully asked question, see my advice to commenter no. 2.

  6. Beware of Wolves in lambs clothing. Remember the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and this apple is Rep. Paul’s son. Enough sad!

  7. A pig with lipstick is still a pig. Rand Paul’s ideology and policies are identical to those of his evil father and should be anathema to any frum Jew; it is amazing that some of us can be suckered in by his smooth talk.

    Maybe he is supported by some of the anti-Zionist haters of Medinat Yisrael who comment on YWN. It would be too bad should their hatred of the Medinah goes so far as to support someone who would not lift a finger to help Medinat Yisrael should it face a major attack, risking the lives of all Jews there, whether Zionist or not.

    ” Like his stance on baby murder, no matter what the age??”

    Obama’s policy is actually more in accordance with ours than is Paul’s. Obama forces nobody to have an abortion; Rand Paul would ban halachically mandated abortions.

    “Like ObamaDoesntCare, which has already caused our premiums to skyrocket??”

    Looks like he is doubling down on a debunked lie. For those who missed it, here is the sequence of events:

    1) California announced that individual insurance premiums for non group policies will be declining as the result of Obamacare.

    2) A partisan blogger compared the announced rates with teasers offered by a notorious bait-and-switch internet site.

    3) That blogger’s claim that the teaser rates, which nobody is eligible for, would result in substantial rate increases got picked up by many conservative propagandists in America, including Mark Levin.

    4) The lie was immediately debunked by numerous sources yet the right wingers continue to promote it, doubling down even after they were informed that their claim was false.

  8. What a breath of fresh air to see frum people hosting politicians that share our values!This is somewhat mechaper on the due chanifa given to likes of corzine,shcumer ect throughout the years

  9. CharlieHall,

    Shoyn, another Obamabot apologist. My comment about premiums doubling are based on FACT not socialist liberal fantasies like you and your other alias nfgo3 spout. As someone who pays his own premiums, I will tell you my premiums have virtually doubled since obama showed up. I asked my insurance agent as well as my insurance company and I was told my raises were “in line” with others.

    Please tell your shtussim on your daily kook website where they drink your brand of treif kool aid.

  10. 5 nfgo3 or should I call you CharlatanHall?

    Just because you don’t like what I am saying inasmuch as it vehemently disagrees with yout uber leftist values, doesn’t mean ……

    Argue facts which as a leftist that deals with feelings, you can’t.

  11. charliehall:

    1. American foreign aid benefits American workers by enabling them to sell overpriced inferior goods, thereby depriving Israeli workers of the opportunity to produce competing goods – and at the same time seriously undermine Israeli freedom of action. It’s like trying to get a kid addicted to sweets, and to stay away from veggies. If you are pro-Israel, you should be outraged. If you wanted Israel to be an American dependency, that was an option (advocated by many hareidim) back in 1947 – the draft exemption of yeshiva students was the price Ben Gurion paid to get Hareidi toleration of his war efforts. Rand Paul probably would be the best thing to happen to Israel, both economically (end the sugar aid that corrupts their economy) and politically (giving them a free hand to decide their destiny).

    2. In general, minorities do better under governments that leave them alone. That’s especially true of religious minorities. A strong central government tries to enforce its will, and we are a vulnerable target (we have too many children, many of us prefer lower incomes and give up job mobility in order to be free to be frum without harassment, etc.). The last thing we want is a “Big brother” trying to force everyone into their mold. “Live and let live” is clearly a Republican characteristic.

    3. The number of halachically mandated abortions (the only type allowed, it is never voluntary under our law) are negligible. The fact is that the current mass abortions in America are a crime on the order of the genocide of the American Indians, the enslavement of Africans, or the holocaust. In Eretz Yisrael, the number of Jewish babies murdered by abortionists vastly exceeds the number of Jews killed by the Arabs in the century of warfare – and probably is in third place in terms of numbers killed after the Holocaust and the ethnic cleansing carried about by the Romans after the Jewish revolts.

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