Dati Leumi Rav to Daven for the Syrian People

asadRabbi Benny Pearl, who heads the Arts & Sciences Yeshiva in Tel Aviv, http://www.art-yeshiva.org.il/ feels the Jewish People should daven for the welfare of citizens of Syria in response to the ongoing civil war in that country. According to the Kippa website, Pearl is arranging a tefilla service at the border to Syria. The event is set for Friday, 6 Tammuz 5773 and organizers report that not only frum Jews will attend, but non-frum as well as Christians and Muslims. The prayer gathering will be held near Quneitra, in proximity to Kibbutz Ein Zivan.

Rabbi Pearl admits that some Syrian may hate us while other not, but whatever the case may be he feels it is appropriate to daven to HKBH on their behalf.

Kippa reports the event will begin with tefilos conducted in line with frum Jewry followed by permitting “other streams” recite prayers as they are accustomed to as well as permitting other faiths to recite prayers in their fashion.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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