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No Injuries in Shomron Shooting Attack

hamasThe shooting attack that occurred in Shomron on Wednesday night, the eve of 5 Tammuz 5773 is barely a news item as B’chasdei Hashem; there were no fatalities or injuries. It would appear for as long as the only damage was limited to bullet markings on the bus, no one appears too interested.

A bus traveling in Chawarah, north of Tapuach Junction, was hit by gunfire. Buses traveling in Yehuda and Shomron are armor-plated to withstand gunfire, including their bullet resistant windows.

The IDF reported that metallic pellets were fired at the bus put police say otherwise, basing the information on the markings on the bus. The driver of the Afikim Bus Company vehicle was traveling from Ariel to Elon Moreh. He reported immediately that Arabs fired at the bus. The markings where the bus was hit support the driver’s report, not the IDF version.

The driver acted responsibly, continuing to drive to distance himself from the line of sight, heading to the Shomron Battalion Command. After the report of the attack, areas yishuvim were placed on alert.

Arab sources report three arrests were made by Israeli authorities following the attack. Kol Yehudi reports Arabs claim Jews came to Burin following the shooting attack and threw firebombs at a home along with rocks. Police later in the night arrested two Jews on suspicion of perpetrating that attack. They were remanded by Thursday, 5 Tammuz.

Following is a Kol Yehudi video showing what the Arabs report to be the fire in Burin.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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