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Americans Signal EU to Hold Off Regarding Efforts with the PA

kerbiAs US Secretary of State John Kerry prepares for another round of shuttle diplomacy next week between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority), he has called upon the European community to take a back seat. Kerry was due to arrive in Israel this week but announced his arrival would be delayed until next week.

His announcement followed yet another Israeli goodwill gesture to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), the release of 50 terrorists. Abu Mazen however declined the offer, demanding the release of 107 terrorists.

It remains to be seen if EU Foreign Minister Katherine Aston will arrive in Israel or take a back seat and leave the arena to Kerry exclusively.

The Americans are calling upon Abu Mazen to return to the negotiating table with Israel without preconditions. He on the other hand is demanding a halt to all construction over the Green Line, including Jerusalem as well as the prisoner release. Abu Mazen has selected prisoners being held prior to the 1993 signing of the Oslo Agreement. Kerry seems to be pushing an immediate return to negotiations on the basis of acceptance of the two state solution and recognizing the right of the self destiny for the Palestinian people without compromising Israeli security interests and accepting settlement blocs as a reality. In return, the US will be forthcoming with an attractive aid package for the PA, which includes significant economic assistance. Interestingly, Abu Mazen already announced in May 2013 that he rejects the Kerry economic assistance plan.

Kerry feels that after the sides reach agreement on a number of core issues, Israel will then make a goodwill gesture; a building freeze and the release of prisoners. The sides will agree the matter of Jerusalem’s future will be left to the final talks. It remains unclear if Kerry will be presenting a timetable for final status talks which in essence will be a timetable for the establishment of Palestine.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Ask Kerry to release some American terrorist first–big talker. In addition, I don’t quite see how releasing bloodthirsty murderers who have no agenda in their life other than killing people will make things peaceful.It’s too bad Israel can’t just fry them and release their bodies.

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