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MK Struck: I Will Adhere to Rav Lior’s Word

liorMK (Bayit Yehudi) Orit Struck appears in a comprehensive interview in the upcoming Shabbos edition of Maariv. She speaks about the decision-making process in the dati leumi party.

She explains there is a very large community within the dati leumi tzibur that is accustomed to following a rav. Regarding Naftali Bennett and the other members of Bayit Yehudi, they were photographed alongside Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita during the election campaign, and they believe, perhaps naively, that Bennett and the others will listen to the rabbi as a result. She adds “I was the only one that said from the get go, in a clear voice, that concerning significant matters, as has been the case throughout my career with public matters, I will accept the position of mora d’asra HaRav Dov Lior.”

“Anyone who voted for Eli Yishai or Aryeh Deri realized they were voting for Rav Ovadia Yosef. Anyone who has seen the signs from Bayit Yehudi of the rabbonim staring out understands we are dealing with religious leaders who are accustomed to consulting with rabbonim but the final decision is made in the party together with all the players. Bayit Yehudi is not compelled to adhere to the rabbis pertaining to the state budget, general bills or going to war but to significant rabbinical matters. Choosing a chief rabbi is strictly a rabbinical matter.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. does the leaders of jewish home listen to their rabbonim regarding destroying yeshivos, kollelim, giyur k’halacha? for that matter, why aren’t their rabbonim more outspoken?

  2. #1 Have you heard the words of Rav Lior, Rav Drori, Rav Aviner and Rav Thal of Yeshivat Har Choma who have aligned themselves with the Charedim?

    Have you heard of the meeting in the Old City at the home of Rav Nebenzal between Charedi RY & Rebbes and RY and Rabbonim of the Religious Zionist kehillos? To unite against the harsh decrees..

    And Have you heard that all the harsh decrees against Bnei Torah of the CHaredi kehillos will be the same against the Bnei Yeshivos of the RZ yeshivos? sanctions, lack of funding and criminal actions?

    NOW…. if you have not heard any of the above, the question is WHY? is it not being reported… ignored… or deleted since “Motzi Shem Ra” against an entire community fits the agenda better. Why you might ask? (for those courageous/curious enough)

  3. “why aren’t their rabbonim more outspoken?”

    Some are actually rather outspoken on many areas of public life. Many of the DL rabbis and yeshivot have internet sites, with great Torah and occasional commentary on public policy. It isn’t their fault that YWN readers aren’t paying attention! (YWN moderators: I know that the DL world probably falls outside of what you define as the Yeshiva World, but you should at least consider posting some Torah from DL sources.)

    That said, it should be noted that there isn’t a single rabbi or even a small group of rabbis whom the Dati community follows. Everyone follows his/her own rav. The dozen Knesset members from the Jewish Home party probably have twelve different rabbonim whom they follow. And the concept of Daas Torah is much more limited in the DL world.

  4. #1. Show me ONE of those institutions destroyed by anyone. The government funds Yeshivas and has from 1948 and on?

    Stop whining and really learn the fact.

    As to Dati Leumi Rabbonim, their constituancy learns Torah AND goes to the army.

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