Bank of Israel Governor Fischer and the Chareidim

charOutgoing Governor of the Bank of Israel Professor Stanley Fischer feels the chareidi birthrate is “problematic” and it “cannot go on”. Fischer has been a strong proponent of bringing chareidim into the workplace, fearing their significant population growth and lifestyle that does not include entering the workforce will lead the nation to a welfare situation that is untenable.

In a farewell address before a Herzliya audience Fischer explained the chareidi growth rate is 4.2%, which means in 17 years the chareidi population will double itself. He adds the Arab population will double itself in 25 years while the remaining population has a growth rate of 1.7%, which means it will take 40 years to double itself.

“If trends continue, within 50 years, the secular population will be a minority. This cannot continue,” calling the matter “a demographic problem.”

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Meir Porush did not let Fischer’s comments pass, commenting on Wednesday morning 4 Tammuz 5773, accusing Fischer of simply trying to wipe out the children. Porush is quoted by Kikar Shabbat adding “The incitement campaign against the chareidim is very dangerous. The words of the governor of the Bank of Israel are likely to impact those in the professional ranks. The words of the governor are very serious and worth of condemnation and denunciation.”

Porush adds “it comes as no surprise after the major cuts in child allowance payments. There are those who are state their intentions openly and unequivocally, simply to eliminate them [the children].”

The chareidi MK added the population growth among the chareidi tzibur is most welcome for its preserves the Jewish demographic balance in the State of Israel, calling for encouraging more births for this is the “Branch upon which the State of Israel rests”.

Porush calls on Fischer to retract his statements, which he feels “remind us of Pharaoh in Egypt who said ‘כל הבן היילוד היאורה תשליכוהו’.

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Yaakov Asher commented as well, telling Kikar Shabbat he is pained and sorrowed over Fischer’s words. Asher feels that Fisher has joined the national effort to create a certain atmosphere around the chareidi tzibur.

“One does not build demographic statistics around economic data, and it would serve the Bank of Israel and Finance Ministry well to concern themselves with the economy of Israel using the means at their disposal.”

“Regarding the chareidi tzibur” adds Asher, “Take care of those who seek to enter the workplace can be accepted in public places such as the Bank of Israel and those who study Torah should be left alone. This is not the way to build a nation’s economy.”

Shas’ MK Nissim Ze’ev commented as well. “This is not the first time that the governor speaks in a discriminatory fashion. He comes from a hashkafa of blind hatred and his concern for poverty when he rides the wave of hate for the chareidim.”

“It is an utter shame that he opts to leave his post with such remarks. It is most interesting the governor is not concerned the Arab community will double itself but only with the chareidim. As Pharaoh stated “lest them multiply”, declaring against the Jews ‘כל הבן היילוד היאורה תשליכוהו’. This sounds like chas v’sholom the anti-Semites at the time in Europe, who were concerned with the Jewish birthrate in Europe.”

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Menachem Eliezer Moses responded to Kikar too, adding “it is an insult to hear such slanderous words from the governor, one like Stanley Fischer, who is leaving this most senior post.”

Moses adds “His job demands formulating a plan to address poverty and the economic crisis and not to fabricate accusations. Instead of dealing with economic and financial issues he prefers to sling mud at the chareidim and define it as a problem of the state.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. The Egyptians had the same problem. I hope that doesn’t mean the hilonim are planning some ethnic cleansing against us.

    If he wants higher hareidim particpation in the workforce he should favor allow people to hold jobs without serving in the IDF, and serious laws banning discrimination against hareidim (on the “hostile workplace” model used in America).

  2. Moses adds “His job demands formulating a plan to address poverty

    nothing can solve the problem if people keep on having many kids and do not work. or do not get an education so they can get a betetr paying job.

    simple have the kids you can afford and no more

  3. akuperma either owns this site or works for them, because they will publish any kind of psychotic garbage he writes, usually immediately.

  4. SpiderJerusalem:

    1. Do you deny that Pharoh also complained about the higher birthrate among our people? It’s in Humash, plain pshat (no need to refer to commentaries, aggadah or kabbalah).

    2. Do you deny that making army service a requirement for an “on the books” job is a major disincentive for hareidim considering employment outside the hareidi community?

    3. Do you deny that hareidim trying to function outside the community in Israel encounter a hostile environment?

  5. #5- AND, it is ironic how he frequently writes about the importance of Torah learning. When, exactly, does he have time to do that?

  6. #5, #7 – (S)he seems to be a Neturei Karta troll. As NK reportedly receives funding from Iranian, Saudi, Yemeni and Palestinian sources there is a chance that (s)he is working for one (or all) of them. (S)he is certainly not working for YWN.

  7. #5 #7 #8
    You ‘re more likely to be trolls paid by the NIF
    (THE NIF has 10,000x more money than NK,and pays your type)

    Whether one agrees always with akuperma,
    all (except you)would ADMIT he is a STRAIGHT SHOOTER

  8. As for Fischer,
    He, usually has fine words to say about hareidim,and is a decent chap

    Therefore, his words were surely blown out of context

    (and fed so handily to YWN)

  9. eh??? where does it say in Jewish law you can only have children if you can afford them?? and why are you sure you will be able to afford your own life in a year from now??

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