Rand Paul To Attend Fundraiser In Lakewood

Senator Rand Paul, who’s viewed as a potential presidential candidate in 2016, will visit the Jewish community in Lakewood on Monday, YWN has learned.

Mr. Paul will attend a private fundraiser at the home of Dr. Richard Roberts.

Dr. Roberts sold last year his generic drug company, Specialty Pharma Co., for $800 million and has been a financial supporter of the Republican Party.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. While Sen. Rand Paul may not share the anti-Semitic views of his father, his political views appear to be identical. He would have the US end all aid to Israel and withdraw completely from the Middle East and every other trouble spot in the world. He would also unilaterally give up the important intelligence collection efforts that has been important in minimizing terrorist attacks. And he would destroy the social safety net that so many Jews rely upon.

  2. 1. He opposes most welfare for the poor, and most frum are poor.

    2. He opposes high taxes on the rich, but few frum families are rich.

    3. He has been opposed to foreign aid for Israel (which is largely to the IDF) , but now that Israel has declared war on the Bnei Torah that might not be a problem anymore.

  3. Better they (Lakewood)support a decent guy like Ron Paul, than the support they gave to Hillary Clinton a few years ago! Ron has come around regarding his strong support of Israel. The only question remains, what are his true views on legalized SSM? I’ve heard both ways. Ron, Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum would make excellent moral Presidents – something we haven’t had in a while.

  4. I tend to agree with Rep. Peter King (R-NY). His words in referring to Marco Rubio and other members of Congress like Ran Paul who voted against the Hurricane Sandy relief package:

    “Any of those people who voted and postured against money coming to New York or New Jersey and then wants to come up here and take the money out of our pockets, forget it. They can stay home.”

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