Stern Pulls Bill Aimed at Facilitating Giyur

sternAs the Ministerial Legislative Committee on Sunday 2 Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5773 was planning to discuss a bill to facilitate giyur, MK (The Movement) Elazar Stern pulled the bill. Maariv reports Stern made the decision to avoid another round of conflict with the Bayit Yehudi party as was the case with his bill addressing the voting body for the election of the nation’s chief rabbis.

Stern envisions giving local batei din the authority to deal with giyur, unlike the situation today in which the Chief Rabbinate Supreme Court maintains exclusive jurisdiction over giyur today. Stern and his colleagues fear another Bayit Yehudi veto in response to protests from its party’s rabbonim.

Stern insists he is not forgetting about the bill, which he plans to reintroduce in the coming weeks, but only after first speaking with Bayit Yehudi officials and coordinating with them.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Yidden ,Wake Up

    This is even more dangerous than the draft

    Quote ,

    ‘Rabbi Shalom Gold, Rabbi Emeritus of Y.I. of Har Nof, told me personally half a decade ago, that seruga wearing Elazar Stern is an unqualified “Rasha merusha”.’

  2. Nu, maybe we should just throw in the towel. We’ll make a list of all the people in our communities, and then from now on, if you want to marry someone, you’ll check it against the list, or require evidence that they don’t come from one of these geiruses, or from a divorce without a kosher get.

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