New Publication Will Go Behind The Scenes On The Growth Of Borough Park Communities

In news that is sure to excite the community, editors have announced the launch of a new Yiddish periodical titled Boro Park B’vinyana, a magazine which will offer in-depth insight and information behind the latest building projects undertaken by Mosdos and Shuls in the neighborhood.

In recent years, our area has seen explosive growth and nowhere is this more apparent than in the building of many new magnificent shuls and school buildings which dot the entire neighborhood. But as we know, growth also means growing pains, and the construction process can be a frustrating one for neighbors and drivers. Additionally, new buildings sometimes change the nature of a block or street corner, something which is often unappealing to longterm residents.

The editors of the magazine realized that there is a dearth of information available to curious residents who want to know more about what is being planned, what is in the works and what the end project will look like. They felt that local residents would benefit greatly from gaining more intimate knowledge about these projects and the people and motivations behind them.

The first issue of the magazine is being released in time for Chol Hamoed Pesach so that readers can spend their time off reading up on these exciting initiatives. With features covering a dozen projects, this issue is a treasure trove of inside information on the construction undertakings the community is talking about.

Each new building or renovation will contain a brief introduction to the background of the endeavor, and will be followed by an exclusive interview with one of the askanim or board members who are intimately involved in the proceedings. “This magazine was fascinating,” said Chaim Yitzchok Markus, a Borough Park resident who reviewed an early copy. “We tend to think of new buildings in terms of traffic and money but forget that there’s always a storyline behind it and so many people who are counting on a job well done.”

It is planned that the publication will be released periodically with new issues shining light on additional projects and updates on previous stories. The editors hope that those with a story to share will contact them at [email protected] so that their story can also be read by an eager audience.

While the prices of these construction projects run in the millions, the magazine is absolutely free of charge to the community.

A PDF version can be found right here.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Some people are living in la-la land. Building and building for whom? The Chinese are moving in big time from the west of Boro Park. Ft. Hamiltan Pky. / 10th ave is the border already. To the north the Pakistani / Muslim community is entrenched. Young couples with 2 – 3 children who have to move out of their choson kallah apartment are looking at $3000 – 4000 a month rent plus utilities. These couples are running to places like Lakewood area, Linden, Passaic etc. If some askanim don’t get involved Boro Park will eventually be another mixed neighborhood and go downhill from there. Mr. Fruchthandeler brought apartments and subsidizes the rent for the Chaim Berlin kehilla so that their talmidim can stay in Flatbush. Rabbi Bender did the same in Far Rockaway. Someone should do the same in Boro Park.

  2. Ah Yid #1:

    The Pakistanis are moving in to which blocks in the “north”?

    And which avenues/blocks used to be Jewish but are now Chinese?

  3. I don’t know if this is for peoples interest or is it just a PR publication.

    Well either way, wish it was in english.
    I know yiddish, but would have to read it so slowly I’d lose interest after reading a paragraph or two.

  4. They make it seem innocuous and neutral, but, in reality, this is a publication with an hidden agenda.

    What is it?

    To promote the demolition of the Anshei Lubavitch Shul of 12 & 41, the oldest Shul in B.P. (they refer to it as Beis Yitzchok), and its replacement by a new structure with apartments above.

    As YWN has reported multiple times (Rabbi Yair Hoffman in particular has covered the story), most recently just a few days ago (, the matter is a major controversy, in both rabbinic and secular courts, who have issued rulings restraining the project.

    People with limited Yiddish proficiency may have difficulty seeing this, so I will explain clearly.

    Based on what did I write the above?

    Due to the special prominence given in it to promoting the controversial building project, over and above any other of multiple endeavors reported upon.

    1) While other building projects described in it get two (usually) pages (amudim), it gets six (!) (p.26-31), three times as many

    2) The artistic rendering of it is also gets special treatment – it occupies the central place on the cover.

    3) At the end of the piece, on p.31 near the bottom, it has in big, bold letters גדול יהיה כבוד הבית הזה, which is not seen elsewhere in the publication, for the other building projects.

    The above lead to the clear conclusion that it is an attempt to promote the controversial project. I guess they figured (rightly or wrongly) that much of the opposition is from English speakers, so they could go under the radar and reach Yiddish speakers to influence them in favor of it.

    Caveat emptor.

  5. The bobov shuls are impressive! I’m certain that the holy reb Shloimeleh Ztz”l has huge nachas in Gan Eiden

  6. To Joseph I assume you haven’t been to boro park lately. I still remember a few mezuzos on 46 th street and 47 th street between sixth and seventh avenue bak in the 1970’s. Today in the 50’streets there are no yidden below Ft Hamilton Pky. Near the hospital below 9th avenue its all chinese on some blocks they even crossed Ft hamitn Pky. To the north up until ave c and Mcdonald Ave its almost all Muslim Next door to Belz there is a mosque. Across from Gan Yisroel 14th ave 36th street there is also a mosque that whole area can still go either way but with the demographics, I think the arbs may win. I hope not, Cross Ocean Pky you still have an oasis between ave c and 18th ave otherwise it’s all Arab there,.

  7. Lit.
    “they refer to it as Beis Yitzchok”
    Yup, thats what the sign says on the shul, nothing sinster by “changing” the name. Besides i think most people will agree that new shul will certainly be more enjoyed by the people who live there, with so much potential it can be from the best going shuls in that area, its huge and beautiful, plus has a mikvah and heichel hatorah.

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