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Litzman Announces his Support for Lupoliansky

lupjAccording to the Hashavua weekly chareidi newspaper, former Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupoliansky has decided to enter the Jerusalem mayoral race. The article quotes MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Yaakov Litzman stating “I know for sure that he plans to vote and I will back him. He is simply waiting for a final response from the state attorney”, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

Litzman explains the issue remains if Lupoliansky will receive a stain, the ‘moral turpitude’ conviction, which would block him from seeking office.

Litzman’s support is essential in the Jerusalem race. It was Litzman’s opposition to candidate Meir Porush in the last mayoral race that resulted in Mayor Nir Barkat defeating Porush. The rest is history as the chareidi tzibur complains about Barkat and his secular agenda. Litzman’s recommendation will direct the Gur Chassidus’ vote along with many other frum voters in the capital. Now the question remains if the chareidim can put personal differences aside for the good of the tzibur in the hope of electing a frum mayor to run the affairs of Am Yisrael’s capital.

Another possible contender who will vie for the chareidi vote is Moshe Leon, a former bureau chief for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his first term. Leon also maintains good ties with the chareidi community as well as enjoying Likud support.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Moderators Note: Your comment was deleted for blatant Motzei Shem Ra….for the record, Litzman doesn’t own any newspaper.

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