Iowa: Judge Delays Trial For Former Agriprocessors Manager

agri.jpgA judge has delayed the trial for a former manager at an Iowa slaughterhouse who is charged with exploiting immigrant workers for profit.

U.S. Magistrate Jon Scoles on Wednesday pushed back the trial date for former Agriprocessors poultry production manager Hosam Amara to Aug. 19, from July 1.

Amara’s attorney says he needs more time to prepare for trial after recently receiving 700,000 documents of discovery.

Amara has pleaded not guilty to conspiring to harbor workers who were in the country illegally and conspiring to provide false immigration papers at what was the nation’s largest kosher slaughterhouse. He faces 25 counts related to harboring and two counts related to document fraud.

Amara fled to Israel after the Postville plant was raided in 2008, but was recently extradited to Iowa.


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