Feiglin: Encourage Arabs to Leave

feiglinMK (Likud) Moshe Feiglin in a Facebook post explains his vision to encourage Arab emigration to other countries.

“Most of the Arabs in Yehuda and Shomron would like to immigrate to a different country. Many countries would be interested in absorbing skilled workers, who already have employment experience in Israel. Today, Israel spends 10% of its annual budget on protecting itself from the results of the Oslo “Peace” Accords; bombs, missiles and the like. This money, or part of it, can be used to encourage the Arabs in Judea and Samaria to emigrate. Land for Peace experiments have exacted an unbearable price on Israel. This proposal is completely viable, will leave the Land of Israel in our hands and will also bring peace; All that we have to do is to get off the Land for Peace track and see the problem from a different perspective.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Of course, the Arabs would say the same thing about Israeli Jews. And frankly, if the hilonim were offered cash to leave, and “green cards”, how many would leave? Indeed, one can argue that except for the distinct minority of religious fanatics, Israel exists only becaus its citizens couldn’t get visas to the USA.

    Furthermore, even if every Palestinian left, it wouldn’t bring peace with the rest of the Islamic world. Like it or not, the Muslims will never accept a non-Muslim state in the heart of the middle east, and it makes no difference what the borders are.

  2. 1) Soo? Israel will deal with them. Where is your Emuna? G-D gave to Am Yisrael guns, bombs even the atom bomb(s). Like every other country we just will secure the borders and live. At least transferring these Arabs here will solve the problems to a large extent.

  3. If Ha-Shem wanted genocidal maniacs, he would have offered Torah is a form so the Germans would have accepted it. Instead, he chose us. Is your only regret about the Nazis is that they didn’t include us as members of the master race?

    Any ethnic cleansing will have to eliminate at least all the Arabs, and probably all the Muslims. While there have been some examples of such large scale genocide, they took centuries (e.g. 1492-1890 to clear the Indians out of the USA – and Israel doesn’t have the various advantages that American whites had such as advanced weaponry or diseases the enemy had no immunities to).

  4. akuperma – if somebody had an axe-weilding psycho in their living room would they not try to get them out of the house just because there is another one out on the lawn?

    True we may have enemies on our borders either way, but does that mean we need to keep an abundance of them inside the borders with us as well?

  5. #1. your last sentense is the only thing you said that makes sense. Most Jews would never leave Israel and certainly not Jews who understand what is really happening in the world and to the world.

    The Zohar says that our generation is gilgulim from Dor Hamidbor. That means that we are here to rectify the sins of that generation.

    There was one sin that Hashem did not forgive in any way. That sin was a consequence of the Meraglim, the rejection of the Land. Too many Jews don’t have that on their radar screens and are harming themselves as a result.

    Also, who cares if the Arabs fight and kill themselves. Kabbalist say that the current so-called “Arab Spring” is Hashem’s method of keeping the Arabs busy and away from us.

  6. #6– but if we are the ones with the axe, shoving the Palestinains into gas chambers — do you really think the rest of the Arabs consider making peace. Note the animosity most Jews still have against the Germans, even though none of the people running Germany are alive during the holocaust — Note the animosity we hold against Spain, so much that I’ve seen adds for a resort in Spain spening half the ad extolling the virtues of the kosher resort, and half arguing that we shouldn’t still be mad at the Spanish for something that happened 500 years ago.

    If Ha-Shem wanted his people to be genocidal louts, he would not have picked us. The Hareidi rabbanim were right, and are still right, and will continue to be right, that the solution is to make peace and concentrate on Torah and Mitsvos.

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