Litzman & Porush Meet with President Peres

peresMKs (Yahadut Hatorah) Yaakov Litzman and Meir Porush on Thursday morning, 28 Sivan 5773, met with President Shimon Peres to express their outrage over the situation vis-à-vis the coalition and the chareidi tzibur.

The two veteran MKs arrived at the President’s Residence at 11:00 to meet with Mr. Peres, to express their outrage over ongoing efforts to compel bnei yeshivos to abandon the beis medrash and to enter the military or an approval national service program.

Peres is viewed as a longtime friend of the chareidi community as well as one capable of bridging the gap that exists between the chareidim and the coalition. The MKs warned the president that if something is not done to halt the ongoing incitement against chareidim the results may lead to catastrophic consequences.

Earlier in the week Litzman and party colleague Yaakov Gafne met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, stressing they do not understand why the prime minister permits Finance Minister Yair Lapid and his Yesh Atid party to continue trampling on the chareidi tzibur, his former ally.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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