Thursday: An International Day of Tefilla

shtThursday, 28 Sivan 5773 has been declared an international day of tefilla in line with a call from HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, and HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita.

Yom Kippur Koton tefilos will be held around Eretz Yisrael and the world in response to the call from Gedolei Yisrael Shlita. The gedolim called on the international community to cry to HKBH in light of the imminent new draft law in Eretz Yisrael that will pull avreichim from batei medrashim to serve in the IDF or a state approved national service.

The rabbonim shlita have called on bnei yeshivos to increase their limud and tefilos during this difficult and worrisome period.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. I wonder how Naftali Bennett feels about the outcries of hundreds and thousands of Jews against his evil decree.

    Nevuchadnetzar Harasha brought us the Yom Tov Chanukah, Haman Harasha brought us the Yom Tov Purim, and the Reshoim Bennett/Lapid will bring us Moshiach.

  2. #1 Tefillah is in order, desired and makes the most impression on the one davening. There have been harsh decrees in this new government, blaming it on ONE individual is incorrect and inaccurate.

  3. If we will only Daven that our children should be spared from the army, it will be looked upon by HKB”H as selfish. We should Daven, that, no Mother in the entire world should ever have to send off her child to fight in a war.

    All of mankind, adults and children, are precious in the eyes of our Creator, Hashem Yisborach, we must show HKB”H that we Daven for all sick people, Yidden and Non-Yidden, and we do not exclude any needy person, who are R”L sick, from our Tefilohs.
    This will strenthen our empathy and concern for every Human Being, and will be M’oirer Rachmei Shomayim. HKB”H will see that we are a caring People.

  4. #2 Well, if not for Bennett’s insistence of joining forces with the rasha ben rasha Lapid, and he would instead have joined up with charedim, there would be no decree in the first place. Now don’t tell me that Bennett offered a compromise to the charedim before teaming up with Lapid. This is 100% false as was reported in the Maariv.

  5. #3. I agree completely. They should be davening for Moshiach, not against participating in the society that gives them so much and attacking those that do contribute, whether they are Chareidim (Nachal Chareidi), Dati, or Chilonim.

    They show no Hakaras Hatov and their approach is making enemies. You can take a position for or against something in a civilized manner. That hasn’t happened on many issues of late.

  6. #4. Get your facts straight. Bennett approached Shas long before approaching Lapid. Shas rebuffed him. Bennett knew that joining forces with someone was his only ticket into a governing coalition. Remember, he and Netanyahu was on the outs.

    None of us like Lapid, but Shas drove him there and then cried foul when they were left out. Too bad on them, they deserve it. Shas is just a political animal. Joining with Bennett would have been a great first step to uniting the entire Torah world. Shas was more interested in money and power than what is best for the Klal. Now everyone is paying the price.

    Is it just possible that Moshiach is not here because the Torah world can’t get its act together? There is no real achdus.

  7. #1…… that’s a bit of a long shot… don’t you think. With this day of tefillah comes a large separation of all sects of Jews with differing political views. We both are against this decree, but this entire circumstance will pull us FARTHER from mashiach. The tefillah is better spent for those who are ill, sick, need a shidduch, etc.

  8. #4 In an interview with Deri, he said his BIGGEST mistake was not to meet with Bennet and join a united front. He feared losing the Finance, Ed and Religious ministries,,so get the facts straight.

  9. AThought
    His name was Antiyochus he was the Syrian Greek king in the time of the Chanukah miracle, not Nevuchadnezzar. Nevuchadnezzar was the king of Bavel who destroyed the first beis Hamikdash and lived much earlier. He preceded the Purim story, which in turn preceded the Chanukah story which was actually in the middle of the 2nd beis Hamikdash period. You are welcome for the history lesson.

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