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A Likud Contender in Jerusalem Mayoral Race

jerMoshe Leon is contemplating throwing his name into the Jerusalem mayoral race. Leon would be the Likud candidate and many feel he would draw significant chareidi support.

Leon served as the bureau chief for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his first term, and is close to both the prime minister and Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman. Yediot Achronot writes that he is probably the most popular candidate to date, and is likely to defeat incumbent Mayor Nir Barkat if he enters the race.

Leon, who lives in Givatayim, would have to take up residency in the capital where he works. He heads the quasi governmental Jerusalem Development Corporation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. when are the national municipal elections??

    cant wait for the Likud CC elections especially of the president of the party court. the guy with the gavel behind the move to redefine and re-inspire the party values and community

    in my humble opinion and i hope to push it which is people refer to hawks and doves within a party especially this one

    there are only 2 groups there is a singular ideological party spirit and then there are those that are there for the jobs and the sports. and even they dont really oppose the ideology, they just arent interested in expressing their political capital in that fashion.

    but to say that there is a spirit of meretz within likud like begin meridor and eitan is false and should be stamped out!

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