Lander: Don’t Delay Your Measles Vaccination

Measles-rash-on-the-face--007A number of children in the Boro Park community have recently contracted measles, a virus that causes fever, runny nose, cough and a rash all over the body.

 There have been 28 cases of measles identified in Boro Park, and 20 more cases in Williamsburg, according to the City of New York.

 Council Member Brad Lander urged community members to take action to protect their families. “It appears that the first case came from London — but as it has spread,” said Lander. “Most of those who have gotten measles were not vaccinated.”

 Because measles is spreading quickly in the community, the City of New York recommends that Orthodox Jewish children six months or older be vaccinated, to protect their own health and so they do not pass the virus to younger children in the community.

 If children have already received their first dose of the vaccine earlier in childhood, they should get their second dose of the vaccination now to ensure they are protected.

 “To keep your children safe, get them vaccinated as soon as possible,” Lander said.

 If you have any questions, contact the City’s measles hotline at 347-396-2402 (weekdays 9-5pm) or 212-764-7667 (after hours and weekends).

7 Responses

  1. The closest thing we have to a public health agency is Hatsalah, and they are primarily an ambulance service not a public health education agency. They also are all male which may be an issue since the most important people to reach in public health matters are the mothers. Perhaps our community needs its own public health organization. I believe a lot of frum people, not necessarily BTs, are listening to all sorts of garbage on the internet and elsewhere and making some dumb health decisions (such as being afraid of vaccines).

  2. Very nice, but seems like they forgot to mention all the dangerous side effects that children get from the MMR vaccince, which has the worst side effects.

  3. TM123 – that’s already been thoroughly debunked and the leading advocates of the problem discredited, and in some cases stripped of professional positions or arrested – and the trial lawyers who hoped to clean up on the issue are out the money they had sepnt creating an anti-vacccine panic (and this illustrates why we need a frum public health education agency, operating according to daas Torah, to prevent people getting carried away by absured internet rumors).

  4. AKUPERMA- you are absolutely wrong. Nothing has been debunked about the REAL SERIOUS CONCERNS thinking people have with vaccines. The people with the concerns are the ones doing the research. The ones who bash those who are wary of vaccines are the ones who are doing the mindless parroting of CDC/AAP propaganda.

    THE FACTS ARE that extremely toxic ingredients are inserted into all vaccines. WE KNOW the effects of these ingredients, and these are NOT GOOD EFFECTS.
    All of a sudden, when you put these chemicals in a vaccine they become holy water?

    THE FACT IS that a legitimate safety and efficacy study HAS NEVER BEEN DONE WITH ANY VACCINE. This means that scientifically speaking, there is no assurance that vaccines are safe, or even that they work at all!

    What you’re doing is parroting. What I’m doing is investigating and getting real research. What parents suspicious of vaccines are doing is real research.

    IT’S WRONG IT’S JUST PLAIN WRONG. There is a cover-up going on here. And when it’s finally uncovered, it’s going to be one of the biggest scandals in history. The more REAL RESEARCH you do about this, the more the whole thing stinks.

    But realize, if you are reading this and saying oh he’s wrong because my pediatrician says get the shots and they’re fine, realize you are parroting. You are not using you’re brain, you’re using your trust of a pediatrician, who cannot point to ONE LEGITIMATE SAFETY study, as evidence.

    STOP! Your brain. Ask questions and do not stop until you get satisfying answers. Unfortunately, I have done this and with there ARE NO SATISFYING ANSWERS.

    Why is this happening? There are many reasons, but it is one huge conspiracy that snowballed and continues to envelop us.


  5. No. 5: Please remember that use of CAPITAL LETTERS does not make false information true.

    No. 3: What “dangerous side effects” are you talking about? Swelling at the site of the injection? Rash? Sore throat?Or autism? (That last one is not a medically established side effect.)

  6. Shimon11210, you are one hundred percent right. Thanks for posting your comment.
    nfgo3, vaccines do have very dangerous side effects. Yes, autism too! I know first hand kids that were injured from vaccines, just open your eyes & you’ll see it too!

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