Arrests Made in Stormy Bnei Brak Protest Against IDF Draft

hafganahHundreds of youths gathered at the intersection of Ezra and Hashomer Streets in Bnei Brak on Tuesday night the eve of 27 Sivan 5773 to hold another protest against drafting chareidim into the IDF. Many of the participants in the protest were local youths who have strayed from the proper derech.

Police were on hand and at least ten protestors were arrested as they became violent and tried to block traffic. Arrests were also made at protests held earlier in the week against the draft.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem – Image is illustration)

10 Responses

  1. Israel is not a democracy where protests against the government are tolerated. The medina acts the same way against protests against the government as does Syria or Mubarak in Egypt. All of them can make up whatever context they wish to frame the “real reason” they are arresting innocent protesters. Turkey is doing the same right now.

    It is time for regime change in Israel.

  2. 1. Who called the protest. If it was spontaneous, this is ominous.

    2. If there were “off the derekh” it is a serious sign that the issue has gone from “yeshiva students” being drafted to one of frum kids being drafted. If the borderline “baal ha-battim” are against the army, this means there will be much broader opposition than if only the bnei yeshiva are opposed – and more seriously, opposition not under the control of the rabbanim, meaning it could turn violent.

  3. The comment of a knee jerk anti medina person. How about the bitul torah? where were the roshei yeshiva to reprimand these hooligans who do not represent the relgious community and probably should be shipped to boot camp to do some honest work and given a lesson in democracy and orderly protest.

  4. #3 – if indeed this involves “hooligans” it is very important since that means it not people who in effect are saying “I’m too busy learning, leave me along” but rather people who are saying that zionism is treff – and that it has nothing to do with whether you are learning or not, that in effect, even a batlan should refuse to serve in the army.

    No one knows what percentage of hareidim are anti-zionist (the medinah is the enemy) and what percentage are pro-zionists (as in “my learning is important for the state”).

  5. #1 What about “at least ten protestors were arrested as they became violent and tried to block traffic,” didn’t you understand?

    Also, tell me why those that aren’t in Yeshiva should be exempt from the draft? Why do you think they deserve special treatment, because they may be or once were, Chareidi? The IDF and some discipline would do them good.

  6. “Strayed from the proper derech” can be interpreted in many ways. Chocham #1, perhaps you missed those words. How I interpret is that they guys are not proper yeshiva students learning or davening. They are using the system to wake up at noon everyday and skip minyanim and shiurim. Secondly, off the derech can mean that not only do they skip davening/shiurim but they smoke and drunk as underage, they cause trouble, etc. They may in fact may be proper yeshiva bachurim, but those few words define the entire article.

  7. #5: The part where the zionist government, like their Syrian and Turkish counterparts, invented excuses to arrest innocent protesters.

    And why do you think Israeli-Citizen Arabs deserve special treatment in being draft-exempt? Chareidim, who too are anti-medina and were in Eretz Yisroel before the zionists, deserve that same exemption.

  8. Its time for the police and security forces to stop showing the “restraint” they have until now in dealing with these thugs and amhor’atzim who oppose IDF service. By doing so, they only encourage further violence and put themselves and normal israelis at risk.

  9. #8: Your advice is being followed in Syria and Turkey. No wonder your zionist government does the same as their fellow Middle Eastern autocrats.

  10. I think Gadolhadorah is well aware that not just these “thugs and amhor’atzim” oppose IDF service.
    That posters comment is a brazen slur hurled at the Gedolim who have come out publicly against drafting charaidim. This comment has truely hit a new low.

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