Arabs Hurl Firebomb & Stones at Jerusalem’s Beit Orot Yeshiva

parThe Beit Orot Yeshiva located in the eastern capital was under attack on Tuesday night, the eve of 27 Sivan 5773. Arabs hurled stones and at least one firebomb t the building at the caravan structures located in the Har HaZeisim area. The security guards fired their weapons in the air to distance the attackers as they waited for police. Kol Yehudi quotes a security guard, who was critical of the slow police response time. Police arrived on the scene and arrested three of the perpetrators.

Some of the yeshiva students responded to the attack by hurling rocks back at the Arab attackers.

On erev Shabbos, a yeshiva student and security guard were injured by Arabs hurling rocks at the complex.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov, it was finally reported correctly. Shame on the Jews in here for thinking Jewish kids were behind this.

  2. Unless the arabs were in helicopters why did the security guards fire in the air and waste their pullets. Do they need a gps to shoot straight at the target?

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