Women of the Wall Set Rosh Chodesh Event for Sunday AM

koselThe Women of the Wall (WoW) organization has announced its planned prayer gathering at the Kosel for Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5773 will take place on Sunday, 1 Tammuz 5773 at 07:00.

According to a Kol Berama Radio report “thousands of avreichim will be on hand” to highlight the overwhelming opposition to their presence. WoW have also been working and gaining momentum and they too may have a larger turnout.

Last month, WoW were surrounded by a wall of police as they held their monthly prayer event in tallis and tefilin. They plan the same for this month following the Jerusalem District Court decision permitting them to do so, not having to gather at Robinson’s Arch as was ruled by the Supreme Court in the past. The district court simply ruled it interprets the higher court’s ruling differently, permitting the women to gather at the Kosel in the ezras noshim. The state attorney general decided not to appeal the district court’s ruling.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Please, if you’re there and you see frum yidden acting like neanderthals, remind them that the world is watching their behavior.

  2. I would hope that the frum community ignores them so that these off the wall women don’t get any more publicity. For a couple of dozen women with their unique religious beliefs to get the attention they do because of people protesting against them is wrong.

  3. so i have a question.. Do these women only put on talis and tfillin only at the kotel and only on rosh chodesh? Why cant they just get a shul and do whatever they want there?

  4. If they came holding a large golden cross with yushke on it in front of the Kosel we would be obligated to protest and we must protest the same with the heresy they are engaged in.

  5. To No. 5

    If you recall, the “wall rebbe”, Rav Rabinvovitz tried to block the former pope from visiting the Kosel while wearing his tzemel. As you may recall, his efforts were blocked by the government and he was told to show some derech eretz. Maybe you too can learn from his experience and show some tolerance for fellow yidden whose hashkafah is different than yours. Yes, some of them are publicity seekers, but most are truly dedicated bnos yisroel who want to show their ahavas hashem in ways you and I don’t approve of. However, in a democracy, that is their right.

  6. Sadly, the WoW aren’t doing this to show their ahavas Hashem. This is political and a method to break the Chareidi religious hold in the Country.

    They are being successful (G-d forbid) largely because of Chareidi ineptness in dealing with it. Gemorah learning is supposed to make the mind sharp. That sharpness has not been evident by the strategy being used here.

  7. To No. 7

    The “wall rebbe” was correct and the government was incorrect. We can learn from the wall rebbe not from the government. As the wall rebbe did, we too must protest these heretics, which they all are. Judaism is not a democracy.

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