Is Lupoliansky Setting the Groundwork for Jerusalem Mayoral Race?

yishain2As Eli Yishai probes his possibilities in the upcoming Jerusalem mayoral race, former mayor, Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky appears to be working to solidify a relationship with the dati leumi community. While the election for new chief rabbis dominates the political deal-making of late, the Jerusalem election is approaching, after the Tishrei yomim tovim, and the chareidi tzibur has yet to select its candidate.

Many feel the dati leumi community in Jerusalem is responsible for the election of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, who won out over chareidi candidate Meir Porush. Porush lost due to the overwhelming dati leumi support for the incumbent along with the Gerre boycott of his campaign.

Lupoliansky, accompanied by his wife and son R’ Yitzhak, Rosh Yeshivas Nachlas Yair, visited the Gush Etzion community of Meitzad. They also visited the Lavi Winery near Efrat and N’vei Daniel’s outlook, boasting the highest and best view of Gush Dan and the Dead Sea from Gush Etzion.

The Lupoliansky contingent had lunch with local officials, discussing a number of issues including Yerushalayim. The former mayor explained that anyone elected to run the capital must understand it is a city with kedusha and one’s actions must always reflect the kedusha that exists in the city.

Local leaders called on Lupoliansky to increase Yad Sarah’s activities in the area, Gush Etzion. The former mayor is the founder and director of the nationwide chessed organization.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 1. If the Dati Leumi are still leading the charge for conscription of the bnei yeshiva, it will be hard for a hareidi candidate to get their vote.

    2. A meaningful alliance including both Ashkenazi factions and the Sefardim would make sense.

    3. Especially with the Dati Leumi moving into a permanent alliance with the anti-relgious that is targetting the hareidim, seeking allies with the Arab voters (who usually abstain) might seem prudent.

  2. barlev: They are reporting on speculation. However it would be nice if they said where they are getting material from since they often report conflicting accounts from different sources. This was clearly from a source that likes Lupoliansky. It’s important to hear what the frum Sefardi sites are saying as well, and how this might relate to national politics (e.g. frum Jerusalem united behind Lupoliansky, and the Hareidim announce that nationally they’ll unite behind Deri), since the “800 pound gorilla in the room” is the nationwide war on the Hareidi world and conscription.

  3. The Dati-Leumi/Chardal kehilla have always maintained a positive & working relationship with R. Uri, he is a sure win unless there is a decision to back Barket again.

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