Nachal Chareidi Rav Warns Against Criminal Sanctions in New Draft Law

idffRabbi Yoel Schwartz, the day-to-day Halachic force behind Nachal Chareidi, spoke with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Sunday, 24 Sivan 5773.

Rav Schwartz confirmed that he appeared before the Peri Ministerial Share the Burden Committee earlier, and he told the cabinet ministers that if they approve criminal sanctions, he will instruct chareidim not to enlist.

Rav Schwartz, who has been the Halachic backbone for Nachal Chareidi explains that he has always been pleased to bring the appropriate chareidim into the unit, but it was clear from the get go this was dependent on a number of factors. These factors include total IDF cooperation; IDF willingness to accommodate the chareidi lifestyle; and the realization that only those chareidim who do not learn will be brought in. Rav Schwartz explains the moment the IDF become an opposing force and ceases working hand and hand with him, he will indeed instruct all chareidim to stop reporting for induction.

“The movement we are compelled, this is not cooperation” and Rav Schwartz explains he has been at many meetings in the Defense Ministry and this point has been made clear over the years.


Rabbi, there is an element of davka here. The moment the IDF does what it should, compels them to enlist, you decide you will tell them not to because they are no longer cooperating as you see it.


I cannot control what will take place but I can remove myself from the picture, to cease all cooperation with military authorities.


But why? If you agree with the concept of ‘sharing the burden’ why act this way?


Then tell me why they can’t sit with the chareidim and reach an agreement instead of deciding everything unilaterally and dictating to us? I have spoken and dealt with Moshe Ya’alon, who opposes this too. Why are they waging a cultural war here?

This is what he said during elections and continues now towards gaining popularity.


They spoke with all the relevant people and agencies however.


No. you are not correct. We were not all invited. There were no chareidim there. There are no chareidim on the Peri Committee. What do you expect from me sitting there alone? Do you expect me to make these decisions? I would like to compel them to learn in yeshivos no less than you feel we must be serving in the IDF. This is no less important in my eyes!

When you address yeshiva learning like we are asked to address the army then we can talk. The moment it moves to the realm of compulsory the rules of the game change. It is not the time for this type of war with all the threats from outside.

It is utter foolishness. I say it over and over again, foolishness! Let’s sit with the prime minister and others and reach agreement.


But there have been six committees and it did not work.


This is not accurate. They did not turn to the correct people. This is a matter for leadership, not politicians. The prime minister must sit with rabbinical leaders and reach a solution. The politicians seek immediate gain and they do not see down the road, they don’t see far into the future but seek immediate gain.

Permit me to say the harsh words. They are not concerned with what is good for the nation. They are only worried about their careers and their seats.


You mean to tell me that each chareidi who consults with you, you will tell him not to enlist?


Exactly! For as long as they seek to compel new realities upon us, that is exactly what I will tell each candidate. Look at Nachal Chareidi and Shachar and see our success.


Yes, while there has been success it is limited.


You are correct but I am telling you that I continue and I work to enlist larger and larger number of those who are eligible. Just like you realize you will not compel realities on the Arab sector, understand from me that the same holds true for the chareidim. You will not compel anyone to enlist into the IDF and I will work towards preventing them from entering for as long as you think you will force the entire community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Not only that, once they start mass arrests, and some “hot heads” start quasi-terrorist resistance, the army will no longer be able to trust any hareidim, and that includes many hareidi nationalists who have always served (in part, since the hilonim can’t tell the difference).

    The hilonim thought there new law would turn the yeshiva “fanatics” into people like those who serve in Nahal hareidi, whereas relying on punitive conscription will have the reverse effect.

  2. Thank you IDF Rabbi! If they pass the new draft law ALL Chareidim will refuse to enlist, even the few who would have otherwise enlisted in Nachal Chareidi.

  3. It will then become a shas shmad, as the rabbonim have declared. We will be obligated to even give up our lives (let alone mere imprisonment) rather than follow the new law by enlisting.

  4. Kol hakabod!!
    The IDF/ government. Will not have an easy time with this drafting business, Torah will prevail.
    This is just a statement, not really looking for arguments.

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