Rav Ovadia: Rav Metzger Must Run for a Second Term as Chief Rabbi

Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita reportedly told family members on Shabbos that he feels in the Amar Bill passes into law, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger must run for a second term.

According to the Kikar Shabbat report, the Gadol Hador remains hopeful that the bill intended to permit Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Amar to run for a second term will pass. If that is the case, Rav Ovadia feels that Rabbi Metzger must continue as well, adding “he is close to Chabad so undoubtedly he will comply with the psak Halacha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe stating a serving rav must continue and he cannot be ousted.”

Rabbi Yosef is quoted as adding “I will decree that he must run for a second term,” expressing hope that the Amar Bill will pass and make this possible.

Rav Yosef was supporting the candidacy of Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel. Rav Ariel now realizes he cannot run since the bill to lift the maximum age ceiling of 70 for candidates will not pass in Knesset. Rabbi Ariel is 75.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Has Rav Metzger earned the yadin yadin semichah that is supposed to be a requirement to be Chief Rabbi?

  2. Rabbi Yosef is quoted as adding “I will decree that he must run for a second term,”

    How can a sephardeshe rav “decree” that Rav Rav Metzger, shlita, MUST seek reappointment as the chief ashkenazi rav of EY. Isn’t this a decision for the Ashkenaz Tzibur and not the business of Shas or rav yosef.

  3. Most Ashkenazi Chief Rabbis do not have Yadin Yadin. That is the reason the Rishon LeTzion traditionally becomes the Av of the Batei Din.

  4. #3 i would venture to say that referring to Rav Ovadia Yosef as stam a “sephardeshe rav” would be a very big understatement – he is mora d’asra of e.y. and the gadol hador.. despite his being sephardi i believe he is qualified to chime in on any and all issues affecting the jewish people and israel.

  5. #3 I will add to what barchderrin stated. Some people here really disgust me. Rav Ovadia is a great Rav regardless what siddur he uses to daven. When I attend a minyan, we don’t ask the 12 men there is some of them are ashkenazing or sephardim. Nor does anyone inquire which “parade” they participated in on Sunday.

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