Policy, Not Ethnicity and Warm Relations Will Win Orthodox Jewish Vote

jewish press forumWhile some say Anthony Weiner’s entrance into the race as the only Jewish candidate in the race gives him an advantage in what is the largest Jewish community outside of Israel, it’s never that simple, NY1’s Josh Robin writes. The Democratic candidates aren’t stumping in Hebrew (or perfect Yiddish), yet they’ve visited Israel and are talking up connections.

Bill de Blasio represented Borough Park in the City Council. William Thompson has long ties in some neighborhoods. Christine Quinn works with a well-connected Ezra Friedlander, and John Liu has never missed participating a Jewish event. However, it seems policy not ethnicity or warm relations will determine the Orthodox Jewish vote, especially in the general election in November.

“Jewish voting patters, like those of any big group, are difficult to pin down, but there are some trends the candidates are studying. One is the continued rise of the observant Jewish community, especially in Brooklyn.

“Voters there have often bucked tradition. In some places, Mitt Romney won for president, even though he lost badly in the city as a whole.

“The Jewish community, relatively speaking, to a large extent were relatively satisfied with the Giuliani and Bloomberg administrations, and I think everybody on stage tonight realizes that the entire Jewish community is not necessarily going to be voting Democratic,” said Nachum Segal, a radio show host.

“That could be the case even more so if vouchers for religious schools remain a top issue. Republicans, not Democrats, traditionally back them.

While it’s early, one thing is certain: who has the edge now is the topic of spirited debate.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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4 Responses

  1. Whatever lapses Anthony Weiner had, these were only lapses, whereas Quinn espouses a reprehensible lifestyle by dint of her marriage to a woman, so simply to hurt her chances is enough reason to vote for Anthony Weiner at Primaries.

  2. “Christine Quinn works with a well-connected Ezra Friedlander”

    Oh that’s nice. So I guess we should all vote for her? Ezra is 0 for 2 in elections. He lost with Weprin & he lost with Fidler. Just the mere fact that she hired Friedlander, is reason enough to run the other way. What kind of judgment does she have if she hires this LOSER as her “connection” to the “Frum” community?

  3. CharlieHall,

    In a race of WeinerShnitzle vs a “Republican” you would vote Republican?

    This is something to think about. 🙂

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