Hillary Clinton’s Popularity Drops To Partisan Divide Level, New Poll Shows

hilHillary Clinton’s favorability rating has come back down out of the clouds after a spate of attacks and negative press about her role in the Benghazi attacks. Her all time high popularity exceeded party lines during her 4 year term as Secretary of State.

Since the chatter about a possible 2016 run for president, Mrs. Clinton dropped to partisan level. That’s according to a new national Quinnipiac University poll that pegs Clinton’s favorability at 52 percent — down nine points since February.

“The drop in her favorability is substantial among men, Republicans and independent voters. One reason for her drop may be that 48 percent of voters blame her either a little or a lot for the death of the American ambassador in Benghazi,” said Quinnipiac University assistant director Peter Brown.

In an early look at the 2016 presidential campaign, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky 49 – 41 percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush 48 – 40 percent, but Vice President Joseph Biden trails Bush 44 – 38 percent and falls behind Paul 43 – 39 percent, according to the Quinnipiac University poll.

“Clinton remains the queen of the 2016 hill at this point, but the wide gap between her and some of the leading Republican contenders on favorability may be closing, as her overall favorability has taken a hit,” said Peter Brown.

2 Responses

  1. she is falling because of her out right Lying. She and obama don’t get they are not going to get away of lying to the American public

  2. May I suggest that everyone forget about the 2016 election until 2015. There are more important matters to be addressed for the next 2 years, and there is no predictive value in any polls about the 2016 presidential election at this time.

    There will be time enough starting in 2015 to discuss all the warts on all persons who are then presidential prospects at that time. Such talk between now and then is a waste of time.

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