America Says ‘No’ to Jewish Housing in Yerushalayim

ObamaOnce again American opposition to the construction of housing for Jewish citizens in Israel’s capital is heard loud and clear. Israel’s staunchest ally has its own agenda, one that is contrary to the interests of the future Jewish State of Israel, which today finds itself fighting to maintain sovereignty of the G-d given capital of the Jewish People, Yerushalayim.

Channel 10 News reported government officials approved the construction of 300 new homes in Yerushalayim and more over the “Green Line”. In an absurd reality, the White House and US Department of State view both Yerushalayim and yishuvim over the green line as “Israeli occupied”, proven by the fact Jewish children born in the capital have “Jerusalem” listed on their American passports, for America dare not elicit the ire of the PA (Palestinian Authority) and international Islamic community by writing “Israel” on the passport.

Yasser Arafat is the modern day founder of the myth known as “The Palestinian People”, and with the assistance of Israeli leaders including Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres and the administrations since the 1993 signing of the Oslo Accord, that myth has become a reality. We now refer to Arabs as “Palestinians” and it is Israel that persuaded the White House to remove Yasser Arafat from its terrorist list, leading to the Nobel Prize given to the late arch murderer, a prize he shared with Rabin and Peres. The days of yesteryear during which “Arafat” was synonymous with Arab terrorism and airplane hijackings have been replaced with his burial site alongside the PA’s Mukata headquarters in Ramallah, the site set aside for PA national leaders.

The US State Department views Israel’s announcement as undermining ongoing efforts by Secretary of State John Kerry to jumpstart stalled diplomatic talks with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), which translates to additional good will gestures and concessions by Israel.

Channel 10 quoted a White House official saying “We do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement construction, which undermines efforts to achieve peace. This is contrary to the obligations undertaken by Israel.”

Chief PA negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat, a remnant from the Arafat days, attacked Israel’s declaration, blaming Israel for the breakdown in the diplomatic process. He accuses the Israeli administration of “conducting ethnic cleansing”, citing the demolition of Arab homes in the eastern capital. Dr. Erekat fails to address the fact that the homes were built illegally, some on state land.

Israeli officials countered, accusing Abu Mazen and other PA leaders of not being serious when they express a desire to return to the negotiating table.

The scene is actually a familiar one, in which Prime Minister Netanyahu permits or encourages such declarations, only to back down quietly under US pressure but benefiting from the media hype. This permits him to portray his cabinet as a right-wing government, when in actuality, it is far from this reality as Yesh Atid and The Movement parties hold senior cabinet posts and are both far from fans of the settlement movement. The prime minister himself has joined the list of Israeli leaders who have turned their backs on the Jewish People and HKBH, expressing their support of the two-state solution, giving the future Palestinian state a share hold in Eretz Yisrael and Yerushalayim chas v’sholom.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. When the Yeshiva/Chareidi world starts talking like the Mizrachi and starts building settlements like the Mizrachi they should not be surprised that it is decreed on them to serve in the IDF like the Mizrachi.

  2. Reply mark levin
    I couldn’t agree with you more. I believe, in Eichah we, the Jewish people, are described as a nation that dwells alone. For Israelis/ american jews that aren’t frum, they think that Israel cannot manage on its own without the USA helping them. In reality we are and will be a nation that dwells alone.

  3. This is a ploy that plays into BIBI’s hand, he doesn’t have to please the right-wing or the left-wing and ISRAELIs are left just winging it with no anchor.

  4. If israel didn’t need USA backing and US dollars we would tell them exactly where to go, today we aren’t in the posotion to do that

    When I run for PM and win, ill build plenty in east J and over the green line, but I will do it with pomp and fanfare

    Vote for me!

  5. Where is the yeshivisha world ,and daas torah, and the so called Charedi community, to stand tall and unified with the Government of Israel and tell the US that Yerushalayim is our capital and will be united( actually that is precisely what President Obama once said). Is Yerushlayim not worth Achdut at least on this issue?

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