European Jewish Congress Considering Taking Legal Action over Antisemitic Dagbladet Cartoon

nnnThe European Jewish Congress is carefully considering the possibility of taking legal action over a cartoon in Dagbladet, one of Norway’s leading papers, which depicted Bris Milah in a blood-thirsty-demonic manner.

“This cartoon has crossed all lines of decency and is dripping with hate and Antisemitism,” Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, said. “We are now studying the possibility that this legally constitutes incitement and even a hate-crime and will therefore require legal action.”

“This obviously falls outside the boundaries of freedom of speech as no one has the freedom to incite hatred against a particular people.”

The cartoon depicts a child being stabbed in the head by a Jewish religious figure with a devil’s pitch-fork while some unseen figure is cutting off a toe with a mother carrying what appears to be a religious book dripping in blood.

“This cartoon has ticked off one by one all the major historical anti-Semitic motifs, the type of which incited attacks and even the mass murder of Jews in the past,” Kantor said. “The reason we have laws against hate is because modern society understands the connection between incitement and violence.”

“This is a violent cartoon which is meant to inspire hate and contempt against one particular people. This type of hate, reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, cannot be left unanswered, and it is exactly this type of incitement which is contributing to a very troubling period for minorities in Europe at this time, especially with the rise of the far-Right.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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