Many Visit Har Habayis in Solidarity with MK Feiglin

hhaA group of Jews visited Har Habayis on Tuesday, 19 Sivan 5773 after toiveling in a mikve. Some explained they felt compelled to do so in solidarity with MK Moshe Feiglin, who has been prohibited from the Holy Site by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

The group visiting from Canada visited with Feiglin, after which deciding to make the visit to Har Habayis to send a message of support for Feiglin. For most of them it was their first time on Har Habayis. The group was escorted by Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Machon HaMikdash after Feiglin requested he escort the visitors.

According to Rabbi Yehuda Glick, who was also escorting the group, they were met with shouts of Allah Akbar from the Muslims on the site.

The visit passed without incident.

It must be noted that according to the Poskei Hador one is absolutely forbidden to visit the Temple Mount, and there is an Issur Kares for one that goes there.

Four years ago on Sukkos, Israeli President Shimon Peres paid a visit to the Sukkah of Maran Hagon Rav Elyashiv ZATZAL, where Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har HaBayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har HaBayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. “Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har HaBayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim.” – I am not disagreeing. But isn’t it ALSO provocative when GOYIM are on Har HaBayis?

  2. Feiglin is as much an idiot as those other meshugaim who each year try to sneak up to the har habayis with a goat to do a korban pesach. They not only violate an issur by gadolei yisroel, they deliberately seek to provoke violence from the muslims. Its too bad he enjoys immunity as an MK from any prosecution but this certainly demonstrates his gross incompetetence to hold public office.

  3. im lazy and dont want to do the work but alas ive got a job to do

    starting off with #2 in ignorance of the halacha which ure entitled to be as long as youre willing to learn
    only the place of the actual azara were you assur to enter on kareis into. THE REST OF HAR HABAYIS were u not able to unless u have done tevul yom this is befayrush understood from all miforshim

    #4 jews turning their back on connection to the holiest place in the torah is extremely provacative and creates a total imbalance of soveriegn safety for the jewish people all over the world.. in response the top terrorist organizations use it as a bastion of flags of terrorism against jews and from there to the rest of the world.. including london

    even the plo uses it not to mention hamas or hizbullah

    the fact is until the place is a rock throwing against jews soccer field and not a house of prayer for all people of the world..

    the name of hashem in the world is being mechallel

    and those who are standing up for the honor of the place hashem chose for the jewish people cannot be compared for someone who simply chooses to ignore the torah and break shabbos and consume meat from a hog!

    when the leaders of the torah refuse to connect to the holiest place of the torah the terroristS use it to push the people off of their heritage and creates THE BIGGEST MOST DANGEROUS CHILUL HASHEM

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