For The Sake of Jerusalem, I Shall not be Silent – 20th Annual Israel Day FREE Concert in Central Park

Israel day2[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] 25,000 people, of all ages, are expected at the 20th Annual Israel Day Concert in Central Park, Carl Freyer, z”l, Tribute, Dr. Manfred Lehmann Memorial event, which will be held at Central Park’s Bandshell (a NEW location–enter at 5th Ave. & 72nd St.), Sunday, June 2nd (the 46th anniversary of the miracle of the Six-Day War and the Re-unification of Jerusalem), from 2:30-7:30 PM, rain or shine, free admission, after the Salute to Israel Parade. Dr. Joseph Frager, long-time Organizer, and Dr. Paul and Drora Brody, Chairpersons, for the past 8 years, have announced the concert’s themes: ISRAEL and JERUSALEM: OURS, UNITED, FOREVER—Never to be divided again, No further concessions of ANY part of the Land of Israel, and Stopping Iran NOW!

The Concert, which effectively is the largest Rally of its kind in North America, possibly in the world, is sponsored by the Israel Concert-In-The-Park Committee, associated with Young Israel Chovevei Zion and the National Council of Young Israel, pays special tribute again this year to Carl Freyer z’l. Carl, together with his wife Sylvia, founded the Concert in response to a call by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat, to mount some form of protest to the notorious 1993 Oslo accords. Mr. Freyer was a leader of the Nationalist camp and a supporter of numerous causes for many years, impacting every aspect of Jewish life in America and Israel. He and his wife were founders of Arutz Sheva and the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP). The Concert/Rally also salutes noted Jewish activists and philanthropists Dr. Manfred R. Lehmann z’l, who was the event’s first Chairman, and Rose and Reuben Mattus z’l, of Haagen-Dazs fame.

The Guest Speakers will be the eloquent MK Danny Danon, Deputy Defense Minister of Israel, and Ambassador John Bolton, an expert on the situation in Iran, and a staunch supporter of Israel. Special appearances will be made by leading political and religious leaders, and by Jewish activists, focusing on the event’s all-important themes.

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Exciting performers include a burst of musical and singing talent. The headliners are LIPA!, the masterful singer and showman, and EDON, who proudly wore his kippa, as he achieved semi-finalist status on “America’s Got Talent”, a nationally televised contest, viewed world-wide. Elron Zabatani, of Jerusalem’s Old City, will be accompanied by Shlomi Aharoni, directly from Israel, who is an alumnus of the Rabbinical IDF Orchestra & Choir. Jerry Markovitz, Sandy Shmuely and Dr. Meyer Abittan are very talented seasoned veterans who will be performing, as well.

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Winner of the “Jewish Star” contest, Choni G, from Johannesburg, South Africa, will make his debut in Central Park. The Junior Division winner of the “Jewish Star,” Dovid Moskovits, will be performing again this year. Chaim Kiss, Izzy Kieffer and Heshy R. are all past performers at the Israel Day Concert who will be returning to join the festivities.

Musical accompaniment will be provided by the incomparable Shloime Dachs Orchestra & Singers. Aveinu Shebashamayim and the theme from Exodus (“This Land is MINE, G-d GAVE This Land to ME”) will be rendered by cardiologist Dr. Meyer Abittan, who always sings “with heart!” The multi-talented, long-time producer and director, Zvika Bornstein, will be the Musical Producer of the event. The renowned Nachum Segal will again Emcee.


Special thanks to Chaim Leibtag and Rabbi Binny Maryles of the National Council of Young Israel for their invaluable advice and guidance. Delicious, strictly kosher food and drinks will be available, supplied by famous Mendys. Bring your Ruach, determination and Jewish pride, together with your family and your friends, to this massive Concert/Rally, so our voices will be heard around the world.

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EARLY arrival is STRONGLY advised as there will be added security checks, and only one entry line to the Bandshell. For security reasons, no large backpacks or bags will be allowed into the Concert. Photo ID is required for entry.

Anyone interested in joining the SPONSOR/VIP LIST, contact 917-650-5623 immediately. For more information, go to


21 Responses

  1. Thank you,we will be there.
    Years ago they ensured that the Parade should not come in during sefirah so we will support you NOW!

  2. The source of not having music or a parade during Sefirah is found where, bklynmom? A source older than a hundred years.
    If you believe in an event, support it…

  3. didnt Rav Dovid Soloveichik speak aginst specifically this sort of thing, especially now? And even a new minhag is more important than a display.

  4. several major Rabbonim have declared that we SHOULD attend the Israeli Day Parade and show our support for our Country.
    There are always counts done of the attendees and we should come out strong. Next week is the Puerto Rican Day Parade and they always have huge numbers attending

  5. For the sake of Hashem, I will not be silent.
    Not withstanding what Several Major Rabbonim declared, Yeshayohu during the Haftoro of Nitzovim declared:- For the sake of Hashem, I will not be silent. So I think Yeshayohu haNovi is an extremely authentic authority to rely on, to attend the parade.

  6. “Several major rabbonim have declared that we should not attend the Israel Day Parade.”

    The Orthodox Union sent out an email late Friday afternoon inviting all Orthodox Jews to march with the OU at the parade. For almost any issue you can find “several major rabbonim” on opposite sides.

  7. what’s the fighting here. if you’re associated with the yeshivish camp. than you can’t go. if you associate yourself with the modern orthodox camp than your rabbonim say to go. fighting in the reply section on ywn is not going to switch someone over to your views.

  8. I will be at the counter-protest doing my duty as a Torah Jew in protesting this abomination.

    All are welcome to join us.

  9. #5&6
    this is absolutely NOT our country “mipnei chatoeinu golinu meartzeinu”! it says in chazal its only called EY if you follow the Torah otherwise its eretz KENAAN! and pls don’t mix in yehoshua in this tumeh! I will join the anti parade, like NK and anti gays!

  10. I will be joining Neturei Karta at the counter demonstration by protesting this shameful event. We live in an upside down world. Whats right is shunned and whats wrong is saluted

  11. Many members of the public had they known there would be a counter demonstration (excluding NK),likely WOULD have gone.

    To all those who attend PLEASE THROW EGGS

  12. For those stating they are joining the anti-parade and the Neturei Karta, you have to be true to your colors. Burn the Israeli flag, burn the American flag, deny the Holocaust in front of the crowd and survivors- then you can call yourself Neturei Karta. I will not join either parade. But to join the Neturei Karta as Holocaust deniers- Chas v’Shalom… I’d rather eat a ham sandwich. Those in the Camps would have wanted anything to eat.

  13. If you go its a chillul Hashem, if you counter protest with NK its a chillul Hashem. If you stay home and instead learn a blatt Gemara you may bring moshiach closer but who needs him?

  14. B”H the counter-protest today was tremendous, larger than ever before, no doubt fueled by the pride abomination marching in the Israel Parade.

    The protest by so many frum Jews was a true and tremensous Kiddush Hashem.

  15. #17
    go eat your ham sandwich! NK don’t burn american flags we are proud of america! definitely disgusted if the state of so-called Israel!

  16. satmar, I absolutely saw NK standing with the leadership of Iran where both Israeli and American flags were being burned. Perhaps they didn’t light the match but they did stand there in support of Iran. Similiarly, if a Torah is being burnt, I can say I wasn’t the one that threw the match but doing nothing to condemn the actions is terrible. To stand with someone who denies the Holocaust is pretty wild to me. If it were up to Iran, both of us would be ever so “lucky” to have at least some ham in a death camp (G-D forbid) just to stay alive

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