Rav Yerucham Olshin’s New Sefer on Purim

A Review by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

Until now, Purim was not as geshmak as the other Yomim Tovim throughout the year. Why was this so? Because until now, there was no Yerayach L’Moadim on Purim, Rav Yerucham Olshin’s shiurim and divrei machshava on the Yom Tov. Now, and just in the nick of time –  at least a mini-version of this much anticipated volume is available in Seforim stores.

This Kuntrus follows the same pattern as the other volumes of the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva’s Seforim.  Here there are ten lomdisha shiurim and eleven pieces of Machshava on Purim.  It provides what so many of us are missing – constant Torah nourishment from a gadol hador during every free moment we have.


  • The first piece deals with the debate between Rashi and the Ran as to what the Gemorah means when it says Megilah shelo biZmanah.
  • What happens when you send Mishloach Manos to someone and he doesn’t want to accept it? Did you fulfill the Mitzvah?  This is discussed in the second siman.  There is, of course, a major dispute as to the reason for Mishloach Manos.  The Manos HaLevi writes that it is to increase peace, love and brotherhood.  If so, he would be fulfilling it.  According to the Trumas HaDeshen’s reason – to ensure that the recipient have enough food for the Seudah – he would not fulfill it.
  • What about giving Mishloach Manos before Purim? Do you fulfill the Mitzvah?  Rav Olshin cites the Aruch HaShulchan that there is also a joy to the giver – not just the recipient.  He also cites the Peleh Yoetz that it is also a good idea to send Mishloach Manos to someone that one is in a fight with.
  • How does Mishloach Manos work on the Purim Meshulash – the three way split of Purim?
  • Does the Shehecheyanu also encompass Matanos L’Evyonim? Rav Olshin concludes that it depends upon the debate as to whether this Mitzvah is its own Mitzvah of Simcha or is it the Mitzvah of Tzedakah.
  • Can you give Matanos L’Evyonim before Purim? This too, Rav Olshin concludes, is a debate and dependent upon the issue of whether it is a Purim specific Mitzvah alone or not.
  • Is a poor person who is supported by Tzedakah obligated in Matanos L’Evyonim?
  • What happens if someone fulfilled ML and SM for you when you weren’t around? Rav Olshin cites and discusses the Aruch HaShulchan who says that he is yotzeh regarding MA but not SM.
  • How much must one give for Matanos L’Evyonim? Rav Olshin discusses all four opinions on the matter. 1] Rashi that one fulfills it with anything 2] The Ritvah that the shiur is a prutah 3] The Ran – that it be something important and 4] The Zerah Yaakov that it be the amount of a Seudah – the cost of a meal.
  • If one gave Mishloach Manos to an Evyon does it also count as Matanos L’Evyonim? Although it is a debate, Rav Olshin concludes that Matanas L’Evyonim lies in the giving and Mishloach Manos is in the receiving – so he brings proofs that one can fulfill both in one action.


  • The first shiur discusses the six Yomim Tovim and the two groupings of these six moed periods found in the Timunei Zohar: Pesach Shavuos and Sukkos and the second group Rosh HaShana, Chanukah and Purim.  He explains that the latter three are special times when we are so enraptured by Hashem’s chessed toward us that we immediately accept upon ourselves the yoke of Heaven.  Rav Olshin cites the Yalkut Shimoni which quotes Rav Pinchas as holding that Mordechai recited the shma while riding the horse that Haman was leading because he was so overwhelmed by Hashem having begun Klal Yisroel’s salvation.  The maamar concludes with the idea that Purim is also a Yom Tov of Kaballas Ol Malchus Shamayim.
  • The second shiur or maamar continues with the theme of Kabalas Ol Malchus shamayim and that this is the central Avodah of Purim to strengthen ourselves in this and in matters of fear of Heaven.
  • The third maamar explains how we should be contemplating the nature of the gzeiros against us in order to further develop our fear of Heaven. A Megillah builds on this idea just like a Mezuzah does.  The Megillah requires scoring just like a Mezuzah does – for this reason.
  • The fourth maamar deals with the acceptance of Torah sh’b’al peh and the fact that it is an aspect of our growth in Ahavas Hashem.
  • The fifth shiur deals with the reinstatement of honor to the Jewish nation and the fact that Tefillin represents that. It further deals with the appreciation of that aspect of who we are as a nation.
  • The sixth shiur explains the issue of wiping out Amalek and how Amalek attacked by virtue of our doubting whether Hashem is in our midst. Hence, the need to work on improving our Emunah.
  • The seventh shiur explains that the main Mitzvah of mechias Amalek lies in eradicating their denial of hashgacha pratis. This happens through our power of Tefillah. A theme of Purim then is to focus on every aspect of the hashgacha pratis in our lives.
  • The eighth shiur shows how both Mishloach manos and Matanos L’Evyonim stem from the idea of Pirsumei Nisa – precisely because the salvation came from Bein Adam l’Chaveiro.
  • The ninth machshava shiur focuses on how they cried out both at night and at day and that is why we have two readings.
  • The 10th focuses on the interplay between Tefillah and ain mazal l’yisroel.
  • The 11th machshava shiur explains how Purim represents the power of Tefillah even when we do not have a Beis HaMikdash.

Rav Olshin’s knowledge, depth, anivus, and tzidkus all permeate throughout his seforim.  His seforim also familiarize its learners with the full range of lomdus and yedios regarding all the yomim tovim.  This kuntrus is no exception to that.  This review is merely to introduce the olam to his work – it by no means adequately describes the profundity, depth and beauty of the remarkable shiurim therein.

The reviewer can be reached at [email protected]

One Response

  1. Thank you Rabbi Hoffman. We are indeed lucky to have such a tzaddik & gaon live amongst us. It’s only because of his quiet anivus that people aren’t knocking on his door for brochos.

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