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Porush: Hateful Atmosphere Will Distance Students & Visitors

porushMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Meir Porush warns government officials that if the plans to induct bnei yeshivos into the military continue amid the hateful atmosphere against chareidi, thousands of chareidim who come to Eretz Yisrael annually may stop coming. He feels many talmidim will opt to remain in education institutions and yeshivos abroad. This he warns will have an immediate negative impact on the nation’s economy.

Porush explains these students rent apartments and spend a great deal of money. In addition their families visit and spend money, and as a result of the current reality, this may come to a halt. He adds the actions of the government may also drive away foreign investors.

Porush made a direct appeal to Finance Minister Yair Lapid and members of his Yesh Atid party to stop the chareidi hate campaign.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Like duh? Would you send your kid to a place that’s about to have a civil war? If you anyone in your family ever lived in Israel, the Israelis might try to draft the kid (they never made the effort before, since they’ld be exempt anyways as a yeshiva student).

    Can you imagine the plight of a travel agent booking a tour for Poland scheduled for September 1939, or perhaps Hawaii for the second week of December 1941, or anywhere in the US’s “border states” for 1861?

    The loss of parnassah by the Torah institutions in Israel will be more significant than the cut in government aid, though their loss is an opportunity to expand yeshivos and seminaries elsewhere.

  2. Could be.
    Will less talmidim go to Yeshivos and Seminaries in Israel due to the new government’s laws? Has anyone heard one way or the other? Are seminaries experiencing a lower registration? Somehow doubtful!!

  3. #3 Seminaries will be receiving less government aid per student (not that we were ever aware that they did receive anywho!!)

  4. If the situation of Israel would improve ,naturally,Yanky55 would send his daughter to the south pacific

  5. The idea that fewer kollel yungerleit from the U.S. and Europe will adversely effect the economy of EY is a joke……the amount of NIS they spend wouldn’t even show up as a rounding error in the GDP. There are more than sufficient numbers of yeshivot in the U.S. and UK to handle the few bochurim who might feel “intimidated” by the political debate over the draft.

  6. Seminary girls spend in the country,FAR more than any subsidies

    Yanky55 is quick to protest any differing opinion that is given from abroad.
    Yanky55 says:
    May 28, 2013 at 4:59 pm
    I plan to send my daughter next year.??

  7. It doesn’t affect anyone coming to learn from Chutz La’Aretz. People will make any statement to stir up the pot. Can’t anything be discussed and debated rationally?

  8. #9- I have no idea what your problem is with my comment. I do not live in E”Y, so yes, I plan to send my daughter FOR next year.

    I only protest the idiotic opinions that compare proposed Israeli laws to Nazi-ism, ones that state that the IDF is looking to shmad young men and women and most of all, the one that states that Israel would be better off under Muslim rule.

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