Lapid: 70 Percent Chareidi Induction Within 3 Years

idffFinance Minister (Yesh Atid) is confident that his share the burden efforts will yield fruit, predicting 70% of eligible chareidim will be serving in the IDF or an approved national service program in three years while 20,000 chareidim will have joined the nation’s workforce.

In a message to constituents, he spoke of the “great political achievement” by his party, admitting much work remains ahead.

Lapid added “we entered politics to make a change and this is what we are doing. The enlistment issue of chareidim into the IDF was a bleeding wound in the heart of Israeli society. That problem is now being resolved by mutual agreement instead of compelling new realities on that sector.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Reading between the lines, what Lapid is saying is that the continued existence of people whose lifestyle is based on Torah and Mitsvos is a bleeding wound in the dream of a zionist homeland, but when he’d done,there will be only a handful of religious fanatics.

    More likely the other parties will stop him, but if not, the likely result will be the end of the zionist entity. The Am ha-Torah were in Eretz Yisrael before the zionists, and will be there after the zionists have managed to arrive in the “dustbin” of history (which may be sooner rather than later).

  2. Is this guy dreaming?
    Where does he get his figures from?
    And what on earth is “mutual consent”?
    The tsetlach in geula “50,000 prepared to die rather than go to the army” seem to be expressing a different reality

  3. Based on the hiloni press, two important things are happening:

    1. Likud and Bayit Yehudi are having problems with the part of Lapid’s plan that would lead to arresting yeshiva rabbanim and mass arrests of talmidim for draft resistance. Without penal sanction, there isn’t much they can do to draft resistors (e.g. banning a passport only affects those who want to visit America, not letting someone hold a job only hurts those who want to work outside the yeshiva, fines are meaningless if someone is penniless, etc.). However the spectre of mass arrests of Bnei Torah is unacceptable to many seculars.

    2. It turns out the money given to yeshiva students was a pittance compared to the cost of either conscripting or imprisoning them. From an economic perspective, the Lapid plans will cost money – whereas he had advertised it as savings money (in effect, saying that autsterity in Israel could be accomplished by cutting off yeshiva benefits and drafting yeshiva students).

  4. The olem of Torah will continue to grow with a segment that will combine some type of national service with Limud hatorah.

    The Charedi kehillos are beginning to feel the tinge of nationalism coupled with Torah Hashgafos. With the continued & violent increase of Anti-Semitism in Europe, Aliyah is on an upswing. The Torah Yidden who come from Europe, South Africa, Canada and America have lived and embraced a Torah lifestyle with work, citizenship and are not ready to trash it when arriving in Eretz Hakodesh.

  5. Gam zu l’tova – there has to be a silver lining is sorts in all this. Perhaps these 1,800 will carry the weight of the generation with overwhelming gadlus. Maybe the time learning will be better appreciated and pursued knowing time is limited… I am not really sure but there has to be a good in this too. Everything HaShem does is for the best…

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