Two Girls Injured in Gush Etzion Rock-Throwing Attack

parJewish motorists traveling the roadways of Yehuda and Shomron are under increasing attack. This was the discussion of a session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee last week but for now, the attacks continue.

On Thursday afternoon a number of vehicles traveling on the Gush Etzion Road between Efrat North and el-Hader Junction had windows smashed in attacks. According to a Hatzalah Yosh report, two girls were injured in those attacks.

Community leaders and residents on erev Shabbos 15 Sivan 5773 gathered in the area of the attacks to protest the lack of security and the inaction of the police and IDF. When the gathering ended a vehicular convoy traveled the area road to send a message to security officials that the situation must be addressed immediately. Some of the community leaders stated that today, Jewish drivers on Yosh roads are “like ducks in a shooting range.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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