Report: Israelis are Complaining More

wti cover.jpgAccording to the State Ombudsman’s Office, there is an increase in the number of complaints received, totaling 15,123 in 2012, a record-breaker since the establishment of the office 42 years ago. The number of complaints has almost doubled since 2005 while the population has increased only 14% since then.

According to State Comptroller Justice (retired) Yosef Shapira, the state agency with the most complaints filed against it is Bituach Leumi (National Insurance Institute) with 1,392. In second place is Israel Police (733), followed by the Finance Ministry (519), Justice Ministry (462), Transportation Ministry (428), Education Ministry (409), Housing Ministry (389), and Health Ministry (382). The Israel Postal Authority registered 290 complaints, Israel Lands Administration 194, and Israel Electric Company 178.

A total of 855 complaints were filled collectively against Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Beersheva, Haifa and Lod City Halls.

27.3% of the complaints were deemed “justifiable”. The agency with the most justifiable complaints against it is Israel Broadcast Authority with 52%, followed by the Postal Authority with 48.4%. Israel Police is in third place with 38.4%.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Exactly the week of Parshas Beha’alosecha, which includes the ocmplaints of the Erev Rav about the hardships of the trip, not being able to eat meat, etc. Nothing’s changed in over 3000 years!

  2. Police is in third place with only 38.4%? In 1979, when Yidden were protesting the building of a highway from Yerushalayim to a soccer stadium where Shabbos day games would be played, they were viciously (is there any other way?) clubbed with wooden truncheons and blasted with water cannons. Oh, wait, the chilonim were the majority of those who complained. I just answered my own question.

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