Weiner Mess-Up: Pittsburgh On The Hudson? Wrong City In NY City Campaign Logo

weinerFor New York City mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner, the road to City Hall leads through Pittsburgh.

Weiner, the candidate who infamously resigned from the U.S. Congress two years ago in a scandal, unveiled a video announcing his mayoral candidacy and a campaign logo on his website on Wednesday.

The logo is written in blue and orange – the colors of Weiner’s beloved New York Mets baseball team. But the image of the skyline that forms its backdrop, while similar to iconic images of New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, is actually that of Pittsburgh’s Roberto Clemente Bridge.

The goof was spotted by several reporters and comparative images of the two bridges were widely circulated on Twitter. Weiner’s campaign could not immediately be reached for comment, but the logo on Anthonyweiner.com has since been changed.

Weiner on Thursday evening is to face his Democratic rivals for the first time at a candidate’s forum in the Bronx. Polls suggest he enters the race in second place, trailing City Council Speaker Christine Quinn. Voters remain ambivalent about whether he should be running for office.


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