The YWN ‘It’s All Politics’ Blog Takes Off

jkThe all new “It’s All Politics” blog launched yesterday on YWN is taking off faster than expected. Apparently, even NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind has his eyes glued to the blog.

The blog is being run by Jacob Kornbluh who has has joined our team of acclaimed reporters at the Yeshiva World News.

Kornbluh brings on his 5 year long social media experience as an asset to take our coverage of Jewish world news to a new level. Kornbluh will write about local, national and Jewish politics, in depth features of current events and high profile interviews on YWN under the “It’s All Politics” section.

Upon hearing of the blog and one of its articles published, Hikind called YWN a “scandal site”, and called our reporters “illiterate graffiti artists”.

You can access the blog by clicking at one of two buttons on top of the YWN Homepage, or on the button on the top of the YWN Mobile site – where you will be redirected to the mobile site for the blog.

Follow Kornbluh’s blog on Twitter at: @YWNjacob

If you have tips please email Mr. Kornbluh at: [email protected]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. I sincerely hope that the “reporting” on this new blog will be neutral and simply report the facts. Unfortunately, I already see Mr. Kornbluh adding his own irrelevant factoids, which have no other purpose but to direct us to his own opinion. I don’t understand why YWN would endorse this practice? I am not for or against Hikind but stating that “his” candidate wears a streimel, without stating his positions on issues that relate to the job, is nothing but childish and divisive. Do we really need another person stirring the pot and pitting one side against another?

  2. Dov is correct… This site is partial racist agenda driven….
    You rarely publish criticism…
    If you want to be a tabloid call yourself such…

    Moderators Response to [email protected]: We always publish criticism.

  3. 5 years experience from social media? Not bad. Can I have a job? I live in my grandmother’s basement and scour the internet social media sites too. Although Kornbluh is quite qualified I am sure, he is not nearly as qualified as Georgetown Law Grad, David Greenfield….

    Moderators Response to [email protected]: We did not understand your multiple comments submitted. Please explain yourself. thank you.

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