Frum Soldiers Files Police Complaint Against HaPeles Newspaper

pelesA frum IDF soldier in a unique move filed a police complaint alleging incitement against the HaPeles newspaper, affiliated with the Yerushalmi faction of Degel.

According to the report, the complaint was filed with police in Yerushalayim, charging the chareidi newspaper with incitement over its defiant position to the drafting of chareidim into the military.

The complaint charges the hard line stance adopted by the newspaper in opposition to the induction of chareidim into the IDF is a violation of laws prohibiting incitement to violence, in this case, violence against IDF soldiers.

The complaint stems from the government’s planned induction of chareidim into the IDF, which it states has resulted in the newspaper becoming increasing vocal in its opposition, blaming it in part for an increase in violence seen against frum soldiers of late.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. What a rasha this moser is. If he has a complaint he is obligated to bring it in beis din and is prohibited from using the secular courts.

  2. 1. Note he didn’t accuse anyone of particpiating or planning an assault. He only accused them of stating facts critical of the regime, which led others to act. In the United States, this would be protected by the First Amendment.

    2. Those behind the law suit plan to use this tool to silence any criticism.

    3. Without more information, one should ask if this was indeed a Hareidi (which yeshivas did he learn at ,etc.) In the secular press there are some pictures of Hareidi soldiers who look very un-hareidi – perhaps suggest that many in the “Haredi” units are Religious Zionists who are serious about halacha.

  3. “Haredi” units are Religious Zionists who are serious about halacha.

    Does HAREDI imply serious about halacha? Therefore there are many RZ who are in essence Haredi…

    The newspaper and posters are vehicles of incitement towards IDF frum soldiers. Incitement leads to violence, which leads to injuries which can end up being terror attacks on innocent individuals.

  4. “The newspaper and posters are vehicles of incitement towards IDF frum soldiers. Incitement leads to violence, which leads to injuries which can end up being terror attacks on innocent individuals.”

    When was the last time,if ever,the endless incitement against Haredim prosecuted?

    Oh,”Incitement leads to violence, which leads to injuries which can end up being terror attacks on innocent individuals.”

    Professor Sternhill( Israel Prize Winner )called for terror against Haredim and settlers ,and the complaints,of course,were thrown out of court.

    (Well, The right wing should indeed be held responsible for Rabin’s assasination as “Incitement leads to violence…)

  5. #6 – “for the record” your so wrong, it’s incredible. Hamevaser is Porush.

    Please, don’t spread false “records”.

    search around ywn… plenty of factual “record” found here.

    Hapeles is a breakaway from yated after the people running it were chased out by rav Shteinman for being mevazeh gedolim. They launched with Rav Shmuel Aurbach as their guidance.

  6. 5. So therefore we are now talmidim of the “Secular”, we will be bigger and better at inciting our own brethren than the Seculars are at inciting against Charedim.

    BTW where does Toras Hashem fit into this behavior?

    Hapeles is a newspaper that is more vigilant than Rav Steinman (who at one time was a supporter/organizer of Nachal Charedi), this is this way of showing Bnei Brak that we are more powerful kannoim than you are.

  7. This is the reason Chareidi soldiers can’t go home in their uniforms. They are attacked by their own. It’s ironic that so many people hide behind the Torah, yet are doing horrible deeds toward their own who disagree with them.

  8. #14- What a nasty, disgusting comment. You need to ask mechila from many people, including my nephews who are more frum than you will ever hope to be.

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