Photos: Motzei Shabbas Programs At Boro Park Center End The Winter Season On A High Note

With the weather brisk and snow still covering the ground outside, Boro Park Center said goodbye to its popular Motzei Shabbos winter programs of Torah learning and entertainment for patients and families.

Over recent years, Boro Park Center has become renowned for its service, care and dedication to its patients. While catering to the medical needs of patients is the number one priority, the Center’s leadership has realized that the emotional well-being of patients has a major effect on their physical recovery. With that in mind, Boro Park Center has become a pioneer in providing social therapy to patients.

The Avos Ubonim program was one such endeavor. The program was launched when a father in the community was recovering from a bad accident and the center’s leadership wanted the father and children to be able to keep some semblance of familial normalcy. What started off as a small learning partnership has since turned into one of the largest Uvos Ubonim programs in Boro Park with hundreds of weekly participants learning in unison. This learning partnership has also extended to grandparents learning with their dear eineklech and patients at the center experiencing a true environment of Torah during their stay.

This past weekend, as the Uvos Ubonim program marked its final week before the switch to daylight saving time, the hundreds of participating children got to hear from

the father and former patient who was the impetus for the entire program. The father shared how much the Uvos Ubonim has meant to his family and how even after his release from rehab, he continued returning with his children to learn every weekend.

The children also heard a speech from R’ Aron Weisfeld, the popular Rav of Boro Park Center, who shared how special it is to be the host of this wonderful learning program and the tremendous Zchusim that the Torah brings to the elderly and sick who spend time in that building.

Another highly-acclaimed initiative that has been launched by Boro Park Center is the Motzei Shabbas concert series. It is well known that music can be emotionally uplifting for patients struggling with illness. That is why the Center spared no cost in arranging for the biggest names in Jewish music to come in and entertain the patients at the facility. Last week, as the season came to an end, the main attractions were Dovy Meisels and teen sensation Shulem Saal who entertained the crowds with their unique musical talents.

As the season winded down, it was clear that Boro Park Center has once again shown how with a little heart and devotion, joy and cheer can still be part of a patient’s life, despite the tough circumstances they find themselves in.


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