Feiglin Responds After Being Ousted from Knesset Education & Culture Committee

feig.jpgAs a result of MK Moshe Feiglin’s (Likud) commitment to visit Har Habayis as he has done monthly for many years prior to being elected to Knesset, he has been removed from the Knesset Education & Culture Committee.

Feiglin announced he was suspending his parliamentary activity in an act of protest over his being banned from Har Habayis by the Justice Ministry, with the latter citing his inappropriate behavior on the holy site to justify the ban.

On Tuesday, 12 Sivan 5773, MK Tzachi Hanegbi (Likud) in his capacity as chairman of the Knesset House Committee suspended Feiglin from the committee.

Moshe Feiglin posted the following announcement in English on his Facebook page after being suspended from the Knesset committee: Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount, the heart of Jerusalem and the Nation, is more dear to me than any Knesset position. As long as the Prime Minister chooses to continue to surrender to the directives of the Moslem waqf and does not allow me to implement my right as a citizen and as a Knesset Member to ascend to the Temple Mount, I will continue to see myself free of coalition discipline. I will be happy to do my part to assure the success of the coalition of which I am a member when the government of Israel will once again honor the sovereignty of the Knesset. If there is no sovereignty, the Knesset has no value.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. feiglin is the only member in kennesset with scruples. He is idealistic and honest. It is a shame he can’t seem to get anywhere…

  2. MK Moshe Feiglin’s heart is in the right place but not his head. The overwhelming opinion of Gedoley Yisroel over all the generations is that it is forbidden for us to ascend to the Har Habeit. It is also forbidden for Goyim to be there as well. The proper way to assert Israeli sovereignty would be to close off the whole area to everyone. It is unlikely that the Betrayer of Hevron would ever do such a thing. Let us pray that we will soon have a Government totally loyal to the Jewish People.

  3. Feiglin is a demogogue who will do ANYUTHING to get his name in the press.
    He doesn’t have the good sense to realize that a private citizen visiting Har Habayit is different than an MK doing the same thing.
    If his feels that his photo-ops are more important than his being an MK, let him resign and be replaced by a competent legislator.

  4. So, their is actually one politician in the world that has principles? He has not let the system currupt him. Maybe he could serve as a role model for the Chareidi politicians?

  5. #3 There are other opinions. Feiglin is following the Psak he received.

    #4 You have no clue what you are talking about.

    #6 Chas V’ Chalila. If that were so, your life would be worthless. Hashem decided that the time was ripe to begin rebuilding Eretz Yisroel. He used the Chilonim to do so, especially since the Chareidim wouldn’t step up. History repeats itself again.

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