Meet the Newest Face in Jewish Publishing

Torah Temima[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] Only one year has passed since its groundbreaking launch, but Torah Temimah Publications—an up-and-coming publisher of excellent Torah literature—has already made a name for itself with an impressive array of titles for both adults and children.

“There are many good publishers in the frum community, but there’s still a dearth of high-quality books,” believes Rabbi Eliyahu Miller, the company’s publisher and general editor. “The biggest factor is economics—there aren’t enough sales nowadays to warrant the necessary investment of the author and editorial staff to create top-notch books.
Nevertheless, since it’s vital to the spirituality of Torah Jewry, we at Torah Temimah are determined to do our best to fill that gap.”

Based in Jerusalem, Torah Temimah was founded in 2011 by Rabbi Miller, a talmid of Ner Israel in Baltimore and the Mir Yeshivah in Yerushalayim, as well as the author of Mussar Avicha on Mishlei. Now, in an effort to expand its literary network of professionals, the discerning publishing house has scheduled a US speaking tour this spring, in which Rabbi Miller will be meeting with both writers and editors to discuss projects and the possibility of professional relationships.

Visiting New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia at the end of May and beginning of June, Rabbi Miller is set to give a series of intriguing talks—open to the general public—on the ins and outs of today’s Jewish publishing world, offering listeners perceptive insights and advice for navigating its complexities—and establishing a fulfilling profession.

“Authors are the fuel of the publishing machine, and they deserve to understand what publishers really want to see,” explains Rabbi Miller.
“It’s also important for the authors to meet publishers in person, because publishing is all about cooperation and mutual trust—and that can only be achieved by personal acquaintance.”

Each speaking segment will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Rabbi Miller will be available for private consultations with authors regarding all types of manuscripts and manuscript ideas, and job interviews for eligible candidates can also be booked in advance.

In New York, Rabbi Miller will present a mini-seminar for writing professionals entitled “The Unsung Heroes: Editors and Proofreaders,” on Tuesday, May 28th, at 8:15 p.m. in Spinka Hall, 5111 18th Ave.

In Baltimore, the mini-seminar will be geared to current and aspiring authors, on the topic of “The Future of Frum Publishing: It Begins with You,” held on Sunday, June 2nd, 8:15 p.m., at the Storch family, 3209 Falstaff Rd.

Rabbi Miller will completing his US trip in Philadelphia, but, as of now, will not be giving any seminars there.

For more information, or to arrange a meeting, contact Talya Rosenstein, Editorial Coordinator of Torah Temimah, at [email protected] or 1-888-473-9030.

5 Responses

  1. “The biggest factor is economics—there aren’t enough sales nowadays to warrant the necessary investment of the author and editorial staff to create top-notch books.”

    LOL, “there just aren’t enough sales nowadays. let’s open a new publishing house!”

  2. I think it’s really a shame that to learn English and writing well we had to read all these goyishe and generally inappropriate books in high school…high quality Jewish literature would do our kids a great service

  3. bem684, you missed the point
    what he was getting at was that since the sales are low, he’s starting a model that doesn’t hire a huge staff and has a large overhead
    people are always going to want books, so it’s just a matter of keeping the costs down, that will target them

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