Chareidi Tycoons Set Sights on ‘Lapid Bypass’ Fundraising Plan – Goal Set at $100 Million

ponAccording to a report in Mishpacha, a number of chareidi tycoons are working to raise $100 million to soften the blow of Finance Minister Yair Lapid’s austerity plan, which many feel will result in the closure of yeshivos.

Chareidi MKs have been actively working to enlist chareidi tycoons willing to commit large sums which they hope will permit yeshivos to continue operating despite sharp cuts in government funding. It appears some of the philanthropists approached have already committed to coming on board.

The plan focusing on raising the sum within 18 months, at which time the MKs are hopeful the current administration will have fallen. In addition, Mishpacha explains the fundraising focuses on two levels; sending money to finance the yeshivos as well as funding initiatives to foster employment and vocational training for chareidi women, employment that will place them in a workplace in line with a chareidi lifestyle.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Reply to No.1

    Hopefully nothing. The government should not be in the business of raising taxes to spend money it doesn’t have to subsidize these mosdos. After learning how to operate more efficiently, reduce costs and increase their funding from the tzibur, the affected mosdos won’t need to go back to the government to beg for renewed subsidies.

  2. The government will block the funds transfers. They already announced that non-cooperating yeshivos will pay penalties. They are planning on playing hardball.

  3. I am still very confused can somebody tell me why they have to train the woman and not the man ,did we not promise under the chuppa that we will provide for our family????

  4. Israellakewood: The problem in Israel is that no man is allowed to work until he serves in the army. Being as they are refusing to serve, they cannot work either. The way some men get out of the army is by claiming psychologically unstable. those people are now considered “mental” and are never allowed to work either. It’s a vicious cycle

  5. israellakewood – [begin sarcasm] It’s impossible to feed our families the Torah that they need, if we waste our time being employed outside of the beis medrash. But feeding FOOD to the family is the wife’s job, by whatever means necessary, whether inside the kitchen or outside of it.[end sarcasm]

  6. #6 — Under current law, hareidi men are arrested if they leave the yeshiva and take jobs – which is why there is a focus on training women. Hareidi men, unless they are willing to serve in the army, are limited to jobs with the yeshiva world (such as teaching) or to “off the books” jobs within the hareidi community.

  7. Will these donations go to help non-Haredi families that are stuggling, as well? It seems like the Haredi community is all too willing to take from the Hilonim, but not too willing to lend a helping hand…

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