Katz Determined to Move Ahead with Tender for New Israeli Ports

post of haifa containersTransportation Minister (Likud) Yisrael Katz announced on Sunday, 10 Sivan 5773 that he plans to move ahead with planned tenders to build new ports in Israel. Katz told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) the tenders for new Ashdod and Haifa ports will be announced within two months.

Despite harsh criticism from union officials representing longshoremen, Katz stated “A tender will be published for the construction of a new port that will compete with the existing ports, bringing down costs and the cost of living.”

The minister commented on a Yediot Achronot report quoting his plan to use IDF soldiers to operate ports in the event a strike is launched. He stated he is unaware of any such plan, adding in the event of a wildcat strike in response to the planned port reform, he would expedite legislation to compel arbitration to maintain vital services and would do everything possible to compel compliance with the law.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday, 10 Sivan 5773 made the following remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting regarding the ports reform plan.

“Israel’s seaports are an issue that we have been occupied with for over a decade. In 2003, I initiated a multi-stage reform of the seaports. The first thing we did was the reform of the Ports Authority. We established three government companies, in Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat, and we opened Israel Shipyards in Haifa under private management. This was the first thing that we did, Stage I.

“Stage II was turning the Eilat port into a privately operated port. This took place one year ago, two years later than planned.

“And the third stage, which is going to happen in the coming months, is to issue a tender for an additional, new port in the State of Israel. Again, this will be a privately-operated port. This plan has very major consequences regarding the cost of living in Israel because 90% of our imports and exports, and a considerable portion of our GDP, passes through the ports in one way or another. Almost everything you see before you, products that are here or that we export to world markets pass through the ports. Only a few products use aerial transportation. Therefore, efficiency or the lack thereof at the ports is something that every citizen feels in his pocket.

“We are committed to this change. I know that very many – if not all – ministers support the moves that we are going to enact. Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz will submit to me the proposal that is being formulated. I will discuss it with Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, and we will convene the entire Government in order to enact this reform, which will greatly affect the cost of living in the State of Israel.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This is an elaborate dance to avoid what must be done, but they don’t have the determination and courage to tackle the vested interests. There needs to be a law forbidding public service unions from striking. There needs to be anti trust laws, and we need badly to bust up the Histadrut.

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