Remembering the Special Seder in Hebron, 45 Years Ago

mham1.jpgLast week, on 29 Iyar 5773, a number of people gathered in Hebron on the day marking the liberation of the Holy City. The participants traveled from all areas in Israel, persons from different walks of Israeli life, to recall that special Pesach Seder in 1968 at the Park Hotel. Some of the participants included Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Elyakim Haetzni, Rabbi Moshe and Miriam Levinger, Rabbi Chaim Waldman, and Tzvi Katzover. One of the participants even made the trip from Boston, USA.

The reunion took the participants back to that time, after the June 1967 Six Day War, when Rabbi Levinger began traveling Israel in his effort to enlist families and singles to come to the holy city to buy and rent homes, to resettle the City of the Avos.

Rav Levinger explained the special atmosphere that existed at the special Seder, one that included rabbonim, religious and non-religious participants, not all davka right-wing. The Seder was held in the building that housed the hotel, with approval of the IDF. Actually, a number of senior officers took part as did dozens of soldiers.

Rabbi Eliezer Waldman recalls the event, explaining there was a keen awareness and hakoras hatov to HKBH for the miracles seen in the war and the fact that they merited holding Seder in the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. You mean to say that a Gadol such as the Tzitz Eliezer held that HKB”H performed nissim during the war? Perhaps he holds that it shows that HKB”H gives His haskama to there being a Medina. Is that possible?

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